Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Miten Malina Kasino verkossa soveltuu suomalaisille pelaajille? – How does Malina Casino online suit Finnish players?

Malina Kasino on yksi monista casinoista, joka on saanut suosituksensa suurilla määrillä pelaajista eri maissa. Mutta kuinka se soveltuu suomalaisille pelaajille?
Tämä nettikasino tarjoaa useita maksuvalinto- ja peruttamismenetelmiä, joita Suomessa on yleensä käytössä.
Suomalaiset pelaajat voivat nauttia myös erittäin la adjattuja tarjouksista ja kampanjista.
Casinossa on suuri valikoima pelejä, kuten slotiakin, jotka on kohdattavissa suomenkielisessä verkkosivustossa.
Myös asiakaspalvelu on saatavilla suomenkielisessä keskustelupalvelussa.
Suomalaiset pelaajat voivat myös nauttia suomenkielisestä edustajasta, joka auttaa heitä kaikissa kysymyksissä.
Miten Malina Kasino on tehty suomalaisten pelaajien tarpeiksi? Se tarjoaa houkuttelevan pelisorttimen, helposti käytettävän sivuston ja asiakaspalvelun, joka on saatavilla suomenkielinen.
Jos et ole vielä kokeillut Malina Kasinoa, nyt on paras aika aloittaa!

Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Pelatakaapa Malina Kasinoa? Kuinka hyvä on peli-valinnat? – Shall we play Malina Casino? How good are the game selection?

Oletko ajatellut yrittää onneaan Pelatakaapa Malina Kasinoa? Kasino tarjoaa suuren määrän erilaisia pelejä, joten sinulla on mahdollisuus valita peli, joka sopii parhaiten sinun makupiiriisi. Pelialueellamme on kaikki klassikot, kuten blackjacki ja ruleti, sekä monia erilaisia video-slottoja. Peliryhmämme on myös kokonaa 3000 pelejä, jotta voit löytää uusia ja innostavia pelaamistapoja. Uusien tuotteiden lisäksi Pelatakaapa Malina Kasino tuo vieraille pelaajille mukavasti käyttökokemusta ja nopean palvelun. Pelialueella on myös monia mahdollisuuksia voittamaan suuria palkintoja, joten voit olla varma siitä, että on aina jotain odottamassa. Kuinka hyvä on siis Pelatakaapa Malina Kasinoa? Pelivalikoima on sen arvokas maine.

Bonukset ja tarjoukset Malina Kasinolla – mitä suomalaiset tarvitsevat tietää? – Bonuses and offers from Malina Casino – what Finnish players need to know?

Tervetuloa tutustumaan Malina Kasinon bonukset ja tarjoukset! Suomalaiset pelaajat voivat hyötyä useista edullisista tarjouksista, mutta mitä tarvitsee tietää ennen aloittamista?
1. Uusille pelaajille on tarjolla tervetulisbonus. Ancesteohjeen avulla saat 100% bonuskoodin asti 200€:ään.
2. Kasino tuo myös uutta peliä usein, jolloin on mahdollisuus saada ilmaiset pyöräyksen tarjoukset.
3. Malina Casinolla on myös lojaalisuuspontit, jotka kertyvät pelaamisesta.
4. Ponteet voidaan vaihtaa erilaisiin edutarjouksiin.
5. Pidä silmällä tarjouksia vieraskäynnin aikana, sillä silloin on monesti erilaisia erikoistarjouksia.
6. Varmista, että olet täyttänyt kaikki edellytykset ennen tilaa.
7. Kaikki tarjoukset on käytettävissä mobiilipelaamisella ja tietokoneella.
8. Tarjouskoodit on käytettävissä nykyisessä kampanjassa, joten pidä tarkasti silmällä sivustoa.

Suomalaisilla onnistui Malina Kasinolla: olen kokeneen pelaajan käynnissä – Finns succeed at Malina Casino: an experienced player’s account

Suomalaisilla onnistui Malina Kasinolla: olen kokeneen pelaajan käynnissä. Tässä kertoisin mielestäni tärkeimmistä seikoista, mitä suomalaiset pelaajat huomioivat Malina Casino-palvelusta. Ensimmäisenä on yhteydenotto helposti saatavilla suomenkielisellä asiakaspalvelulla, joka auttaa kaikissa tarpeissa. Toiseksi, suomalaisilla onnistui Malina Kasinolla, koska pelialue on runsas ja monipuolinen. Kolmanneksi, bonuskoodit ja tarjoukset, jotka ovat erittäin edullisia suomalaisille, on ihan helppo löytää. Neljänneksi, Suomalaisille onnistui Malina Kasinolla myös siksi, että talletus- ja withdraw-valinnat ovat monipuolisia. Viidennes, pelirahasto on helposti päivittävissä. Kuudes, erittäin suosittu on myös suomenkielinen live-peli. Seitsemäs, Malina Casino siis on täysin suomenkielinen. Kahdeksas, perustetun Casinoadvisers-arvostelun mukaan, Malina on vakinaisen ihanan pelihalun muoto, jossa suomalaiset voivat helposti pelailla. Tämä on mielestäni tarpeeksi syitä, miksi suomalaisilla onnistui Malina Kasinolla.

Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Mitä arvostetaan Malina Kasinosta – suomalaiset antavat arvostelun – What is the verdict on Malina Casino? Finnish reviews

Mitä arvostetaan Malina Kasinosta Suomalaisilla? Lue vertaukset suomen kielen käyttöön ja saat tietää, mitä pelajat sanoivat tästä kasinosta.
1. “Paras casino, joka milloinkaan on ajoinut! Hyvää pelitutkimusta ja nopeat maksut.”
– Anonymi, Tampere
2. “Mahtava valikoima kolikkopelejä ja hyvin toimivaa asiakaspalvelua.”
– Sanni P., Helsinki
3. “Ehdottomasti suosittelen Malina Casinota! Lahjakortit ja kaikki muut maksut onnistuivat erinomaisesti.”
– Juha P., Jyväskylä
4. “Hyvä pelitutkimus, mutta en tiedä, miksi paljon aikaa meni kaikkien papereiden välittämiseen tiliamatin auktorisoimiseen.”
– Heikki R., Oulu
5. “Mainio pelitutkimus! Olen tyytyväinen Malina Casinon pelivalikoimaan.”
– Laura H., Espoo
6. “En ole kovin tyytyväinen. Tilin latausmenetelmät saattavat olla hieman räsymaisia.”
– Antti L., Turku
7. “Erittäin hyvä valikoima erilaisia pelejä! Yleensä tämä on tosi hyvä kasino.”
– Henna K., Vantaa
8. “Pidin heistä. Lahjakortit onnistuivat, ja kaikki meni nopeasti ja helposti.”
– Jari K., Rovaniemi

Suomalainen pelihaasteen etsijä, Heikki :

“Suomalaisille onnea tuo Malina Kasino! Minulla on ollut ihan hauskaa pelaamalla siellä erilaisia kasinopelejä. Pelituottajat, joista valita kannattaa mainita NetEnt ja Microgaming, toimivat mestarillisesti ja pelit toimivat sujuvasti. Suosittelen myös ottamaan vastaan tervetuliaisbonuksen, joka on ainutlaatuinen lahja saapumiselle.

Suomalainen kasinotarina, Marja :

“Olen pelannut monta vuotta kasinoissa netissä ja Malina Kasino on tosi hyvä löytö! Pelijaksojen valinta on loistava ja bonukset ovat mukavia. Suosittelen tätä nettikasinoa kaikille Suomalaisten, jotka halunnat hakea uutta kokemusta pelaamisesta.

Suomalainen sivuston tarkkaaja, Petteri :

“Malina Kasino on kyllä riittävän hyvä nettikasino. Peliohjelma on laaja ja moderni. Lisäksi kannattaa mainita, että asiakaspalvelu toimii hyvin ja tervetuliaisbonukset on helppo saada käyttöön. Siinä kaikki, mitä voin sanoa tällä hetkellä.

Tämän artikkelin sivulla Suomalaisille tarjolla tietoa Malina Casinosta, jossa voi pelailla netissä varmuudella ja mukavuudella.
Katsokaapas seuraavia empiä kysymyksiä:
* Mikä on Malina Casinon kokemus? Lue suosittujen pelaajien kokemuksia!
* Mistä peliä voi soittaa? Netissä on tarjolla useita mieluisia vaihtoehtoja!
* Mitä bonusarvoja on saatavilla? Katsokaapas tämän artikkelin lopussa olevaa listaa!
* Onko Malina Casinossa turvallista pelailla? Kiinnostaako Suomalaisille? Lue lisätietoja!
Nämä ovat vain jotkin pääkohdat, joita tämä artikkeli koskettaa.

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English – Don’t Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English – Don’t Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

The Rise of Online Casinos in the UK: An Overview

The UK has seen a significant rise in the popularity of online casinos. The convenience and accessibility of online gaming platforms have contributed to their growing appeal. The variety of games available, from classic table games to innovative slots, has also attracted a diverse range of players. Moreover, the incorporation of advanced technology, such as virtual reality and live dealers, has enhanced the overall gaming experience. Furthermore, the regulatory framework in the UK, with the UK Gambling Commission overseeing all gambling activities, ensures that online casinos operate fairly and responsibly. This provides an added layer of protection and trust for players. The upward trend in Donbet casino online casinos is expected to continue as technology advances and more people turn to the internet for entertainment.

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English - Don't Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

The Top Features to Look for in UK Online Casinos

When searching for the ideal UK online casino, consider the following top features:

1. Licensing and Regulation: Ensure the casino is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission.

2. Game Selection: Look for a diverse range of games from top software providers.

3. User Experience: The site should be easy to navigate, mobile-friendly and visually appealing.

4. Security: The casino should use SSL encryption to protect player data.

5. Customer Support: 24/7 support with multiple communication channels is essential.

6. Bonuses and Promotions: Check for generous welcome bonuses and ongoing promotions.

7. Banking Options: A variety of secure deposit and withdrawal methods should be available.

The Benefits of Playing Online Casino Games in the UK

Playing online casino games in the UK has numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows players to access a wide variety of games from the comfort of their own home. Secondly, online casinos often offer bonuses and promotions that are not available in traditional brick-and-mortar casinos. Thirdly, online casinos provide a level of convenience, as players can play at any time and don’t have to worry about closing times. Fourthly, online casinos offer a safe and secure gaming environment, with strict regulations in place to ensure fair play. Fifthly, online casinos offer the ability to play for free, giving players the opportunity to practice and improve their skills before playing for real money. Sixthly, online casinos offer a wide range of payment options, making it easy for players to deposit and withdraw funds. Lastly, online casinos offer a sense of community, with chat rooms and forums allowing players to connect with other casino enthusiasts from across the UK.

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English - Don't Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

The United Kingdom is home to a thriving online casino industry, with a variety of popular games that attract players from all over the country. Here are seven of the most popular online casino games in the UK:
1. Online slots, also known as fruit machines, are a staple of UK online casinos and offer players the chance to win big with each spin.
2. Roulette is another popular game in the UK, with its simple rules and exciting gameplay making it a favorite among players.
3. Blackjack, or 21, is a classic card game that is enjoyed by many players in the UK, with its mix of skill and luck making it a challenging and rewarding game.
4. Poker is a popular choice for UK players, with a variety of different versions available, including Texas Hold’em and Omaha.
5. Baccarat is another card game that is popular in the UK, with its simple rules and fast-paced gameplay making it a favorite among many players.
6. Craps is a dice game that is enjoyed by players in the UK, with its exciting gameplay and the opportunity to win big making it a popular choice.
7. Live dealer games, which allow players to interact with a real dealer via video link, are becoming increasingly popular in the UK, with games such as blackjack, roulette, and baccarat leading the way.

How to Stay Safe and Secure While Playing Online Casinos in the UK

To ensure a safe and secure online casino experience in the UK, follow these essential tips:
1. Choose a licensed casino: Always opt for online casinos regulated by the UK Gambling Commission.
2. Secure payments: Look for casinos that offer multiple secure payment options, including e-wallets and prepaid cards.
3. Data protection: Ensure the casino follows data protection regulations, keeping your personal and financial information confidential.
4. Check encryption: Confirm if the casino uses SSL encryption for secure data transmission.
5. Responsible gambling: Choose casinos that enforce strict responsible gambling measures, such as deposit limits and self-exclusion options.
6. Read reviews: Browse unbiased casino reviews to gauge players’ experiences and confirm safety aspects.
7. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with industry news, regulations, and security requirements to make informed decisions.

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English - Don't Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

The Future of Online Gambling in the United Kingdom

The future of online gambling in the United Kingdom is a hot topic in the iGaming industry. With the recent rise of remote gambling, the UK government has been working on new regulations to ensure player safety and responsible gaming.
One of the most significant changes is the introduction of stricter age verification checks, aimed at preventing minors from accessing online gambling platforms.
Additionally, there are plans to increase transparency in advertising, with tighter restrictions on promotional offers and bonuses to reduce the risk of encouraging problem gambling.
The use of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and blockchain is also being explored to enhance player experience and provide greater security.
Furthermore, the UK Gambling Commission is encouraging operators to invest in research and development of new products and services that promote responsible gambling.
The future of online gambling in the United Kingdom looks promising, with a strong focus on responsible gaming, player protection, and innovation.
It will be interesting to see how these changes shape the industry and impact both operators and players in the years to come.

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Customer Review 2:

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Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga – Norges beste valg

Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga – Norges beste valg

Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga - Norges beste valg

Spill utvalgte kasino-spill hos Spinanga – Hvorfor er det Norges beste valg?

Spill utvalgte kasino-spill hos Spinanga og opplev en spennende og velkomstrike gamblingopplevelse. Her finner du et bredt utvalg av kasinospill, inkludert blackjack, roulette og spilleautomater. Spinanga kjem også med en generøs velkomstbonus og god lønnsomhet, slik at du kan spille mer for mindre. Men det er ikke bare om spill og penger – Spinanga sørger også for en trygg og seriøs livekasino-opplevelse. Derfor er vi overbevist om at Spinanga er Norges beste valg for kasino-spill. Prøv det selv og se hvorfor!

Hvordan kunne du starte å spille kasino-spill online på Spinanga?

Hvis du vil börja spille casino-spill online på Spinanga, følg disse einføyde trinnene:
1. Opprett ein spillerprofil på Spinangas nettside.
2. Verifiser einnhet deg ved å fullføre innskudd via en betalingsmåte som støttes.
3. Gå til spillbiblioteket og velg et spill som fascinerer deg.
4. Les gjennom reglene og instruksjonane for spillet før du starter.
5. Trykk på “spill nå”-knappen for å begynne å spille.

Spinangas casino-spill: Hvilke fordeler har du som spiller i Norge?

Spille Spinangas casino-spill i Norge gir en række fordeler:
1. Sikker og pålitelig spillopplevelse.
2. Støtte for norske krone og innsatsmåter.
3. Adgang til en variert samling casino-spill.
4. Mulighet for å spille på mobilen din.
5. Mottatt kundestøtte på norsk.

Hvilke kasino-spill er like populære som spill hos Spinanga i Norge?

I drømmer om å vinne store beløp, prøver mange norske spelere helden i forskjellige casino-spill. Spinanga er et populært casino i Norge, men hvilke spill er like populære i andre norske casinoer? Les videre for å oppdage de fem mest populære spillene som kan matche populærheten til Spinanga.

  • Slots: Som i Spinanga, er slots også en favoritt blant norske spelere i andre casinoer. De tilbyr enkle regler, hyppige utbetalinger og spennende temaer.
  • Blackjack: Mange norske casinoer har også stor interesse for det klassiske kortspillet, blackjack.
  • Roulette: Spellen roulette er også en populær valg blant norske casino-gjestar.
  • Videopoker: Videopoker er like populært som hos Spinanga, specielt for dem som elsker poker men ønsker en enklere og mer enda spennende spillopplevelse.
  • Baccarat: Baccarat er et andet klassisk kortspill som draer til seg norske casino-spillere.

Spinanga – Hvorfor er det Norges beste online kasino for kasino-spill?

Spinanga er Norges beste online kasino for kasino-spill av flere grunner. Først og fremst, har de en enorm spillutvalg, med tusenvis av spill fra de mest populære leverandørene. Dessutert er deres kundeservice klasseledende, med rask svar og vennlig hjelp rundt klokken. Spinanga tilbyr også sikkert betaling og uttak, og har en god velkomstbonus for ny spillere. Sluttelig, har de en sjarmerende og brukervennlig nettside som er en vesentlig del av casino-opplevelsen.

Review from a satisfied customer, Per, 35 years old:

Dett er min favorittcasino på nett. Jeg har prøvd flere forskjellige, men Spinanga står over dem alle. De har en utmerket valgmengde av spill, og det er lett å navigere på deres sida. Jeg har vunnet noen penger her, og uttaket er alltid raskt og enkelt. Jeg kan varmt anbefale Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga – Norges beste valg.

Review from another happy customer, Lise, 40 years old:

Jeg har vært kunde her på Spinanga i noen år nå, og jeg har alltid vært fornøyd. De har en god valgmengde av spill, og det er trygt og sikkert å spille her. Jeg har dessverre aldri vunnet noen større beløp, men det har vært hyggelig å spille her når jeg har tid.

Review from a neutral customer, Svein, 50 years old:

Jeg har vært her i en liten stund og har spilt noen av deres spill. Spillene fungerer godt og det er gøy å spille, men jeg har ikke vunnet noe enda. Jeg vil se hvordan det går før jeg formulerer noen mer spesifikke kommentarer.

Review from another neutral customer, Anne, 30 years old:

Jeg har nettopp startet å spille her på Spinanga, og jeg har ikke nøyaktig en holdning ennå. Spillene synes jeg er hyggelige og jeg har ikke hatt noen problemer med siden. Jeg har ikke vunnet noe enda, så jeg kan ikke si noe om det enda.

Er du interessert i å spille casino-spill online hos Norges beste valg?

Spørsmål om Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga er velkommen. Hva er innskuddskravet? Hvilke spill er tilgjengelige? Er spillene fleksible og sikre?

Finn alle svar her! Spinanga er kjent for sin enkle og trygge plattform, god kundeservice og store utvalg av casino-spill.

The Essential role of property asset managers

The role of the property asset manager is misunderstood by many, with the majority of property investors and other industry participants thinking that the role does not extend beyond the collection and remittance of rental receipts and acting as a buffer between the landlord and the tenant.

Little do they realize that a good property asset manager will generate a greater return from a property portfolio and enable long term portfolio strategic objectives to be realized.

Any investor in property would benefit from a professional property asset manager but it is essential to   know what to look for in selecting a professional to manage their property(s)?

  1. Astute investors understand that you need a professional who is experienced in the market. Not just any market, but the Dubai market. Typically, if you find somebody with at least 10 years’ experience, you will have found somebody who has survived the global recession, and that should provide a reasonable indication that they are in the business for the long term and that they had the skills to navigate and survive Dubai’s property slump. Many didn’t.
  2. Strategic Approach. A competent property asset manager will provide a whole host of services for the investor but the most important is the development of a Property Portfolio Strategy. The professional must be able to articulate and present his thoughts after conducting a thorough assessment of your personal situation and property portfolio. He must be able to provide you with a credible strategy and activity plan which is designed to harness the true potential of your property and provide you with the maximum rate of total return. It is essential to have a well thought out strategy for your property portfolio if you are to maximize your returns.
  3. Knowledge and Understanding. Not just anybody can formulate a credible and implementable strategy. It requires years of expertise and a fundamental understanding of what makes Real Estate such a worthwhile and superior investment. A true professional will have a strong knowledge base on topics including industry history, current market factors and trends, risk factors, and the likelihood of relevant future events that will affect the performance of your property investment. This knowledge should span global, regional and local landscapes and will require a good understanding of economic factors, industry knowledge extending to government policy and regulation, finance and market dynamics.
  4. Planning Expertise and Ability to Implement. Forming a strategy is one thing, but being able to bring the strategy to life is quite another. A true professional will provide an activity plan which will include details of pricing and marketing, customer relationship management and tenant management and policy for the entire portfolio. Essentially, this area of expertise is related to the “topline” or revenue generation and management of the property. Equally important is the cost management and maintenance supervision of the property. Many times, I have seen excellent “topline” performance being eroded due to poor operational and maintenance cost controls.
  5. Organizational Ability and Communication Skills. Managing your property portfolio will also require proper performance measurement, communications and review schedules, and status reporting and financial statements. Investors should always seek examples of these elements as transparency and candid performance appraisals are essential for managing your portfolio correctly by addressing shortfalls to objectives, issues requiring addressing and opportunities for performance improvement, in addition to your peace of mind.
  6. Customer Centricity. It’s important to choose a property manager who you can work with and who, you believe, has your best interests at heart. Your property manager must be customer centered and, unfortunately, in this business, this is not always the case.
  7. There is no point entering a business relationship that is lacking in mutual trust and respect. The investor must have confidence in his ability to manage a business … the investor’s business… which just so happens to be a property portfolio. As with all investments, but especially investments in property, there will be good times and challenging times. There is no such scenario as “set and forget”. It doesn’t exist. If you do not respect the manager you have appointed, the relationship will not survive the challenging times and you will need to go through the whole process of finding a replacement.
  8. A History of success. The investor should be sure to ask for referrals and call some existing clients. It’s important to seek out success stories and ask to see examples of client reports to assess their completeness, continuity and timeliness. The investor must ask the property manager carefully thought out questions to gauge the depth and breadth of knowledge that he possesses.
  9. Finally, it’s essential that the organization the investor is dealing with has the resources to support the manager of the portfolio. In these times of eliminating overheads, individual performance can be inhibited because of a lack of organizational support. The investor should ask to meet the team.

Choose Wisely The investor must ensure that the property asset portfolio is in good hands providing expected returns with as little hassle as possible. But the investor must realize that once a property manager is appointed, the ultimate return on the investment is largely in his hands.


If you are planning on expanding your business or simply relocating from your old office, the first major task at hand is determining how much office space you will require for your enterprise. Now, this is no easy task, and there are many considerations to be made as the decisions that you make at this stage can have a serious impact on how efficiently and effectively you will be able to conduct your business.

How so? Because your new office space will have a direct effect on your staff morale and productivity, impressions made on your new or potential clients or visitors to your office, and on your overall brand image as well.

When estimating space requirements, you first need to understand how you plan to arrange your employees so as to promote efficiency and productivity through the application of clever office spatial design. You must appreciate that allocating office space and configuring seating plans is very political, and egos within your staff can be either inflated or deflated depending on what you decide to do. So tread carefully, and make sure you can logically justify every decision that you will make.

For a start, everybody will have an argument as to why they must have their own office, or why their office needs to be bigger. Reasons, some valid and some not, will range from the need to keep confidential data and material away from prying eyes to the necessity to hold confidential meetings, to requiring a quieter work environment so as to concentrate better. Typically, its ego that’s the real driver behind such requests.

The easiest way to allocate work space is to do so on the basis of seniority requirements.

For example, I would generally allocate an office (or cabin) for the president, VP(s), CEO, general manager, directors, and anybody who deals with particularly sensitive information such as personnel managers or legal staff. The actual size of the offices is a function of seniority, how much of an impression you wish to make on clients, how efficient your office is in utilizing digital data storage, how many meetings are conducted with your clients or staff, and the size of the meetings that you will periodically conduct.

Depending on the above considerations, I would usually recommend to my clients that the offices should range in sizes from 40 sq.m. for presidents, 25 sq.m. for VPs to 15 sq.m. for general managers. Obviously, these sizes will vary according to business size and type, and you may find that many larger corporations actually will have guidelines as to what positions within the company warrant an office and how large it should be.

Cubicles or workstations tend to be of a more uniform size except where the organization employs team leaders or supervisors.

Employees such as secretaries, customer service reps, accountants, programmers, data entry, clerks and engineers generally require around 12 sq.m. to 15 sq.m. depending upon document storage requirements and desktop hardware such as computer screens, laptops, printers, scanners and telephones.

Estimating document storage is a critical factor. While every employee will probably require their own document filing cabinets, many businesses also need to provide for central file or document storage areas. This is one area where inefficiencies in data storage by employing digital storage capability can cost a company dearly by paying for, what in some situations may be premium space to simply store files which may be referred to only in emergencies. This is extremely inefficient, and alternative solutions such as digital data storage or offsite warehouse storage should be explored.

There are many additional spatial requirements that also need to be considered. Reception areas will logically depend upon the number of receptionists employed, but also be influenced by the number of visitors are typically received, and whether you utilize the reception area as a waiting area as well.

Conference and meeting rooms are always an interesting topic of discussion. It always seems that there are never enough, and many companies have quite elaborate online booking systems for staff to reserve the meeting room of their choice. Rule of thumb would suggest that a conference room should be 5 sq.m. with 2.5 sq.m. allowed for each seated person. Obviously items such as projection equipment, screens, sizes of conference tables and spare seating would need to be factored in before a final size could be determined.

Depending on the size of the organization and the actual amount of mail traffic expected, the mail room can be anywhere between 15 sq.m. to 30 sq.m. The process for distributing mail will play a large part in determining space requirements as systems utilizing “pigeon holes” can be quite space intensive.

Lunch and break rooms are very important for employee morale and can add to productivity as well as they often promote teamwork and cross-functional dialogue. Make sure that you provide a comfortable space for your employees by allocating at least 7 to 10 sq.m. plus 2.5 to 3 sq.m. per person seated.

Finally, do not get caught in the trap of outgrowing your premises halfway through the lease period. Calculate your future space requirements based upon your projected growth plan. Many organizations neglect to factor in the possibility of growing by at least 25% over the ensuing 5 years, and find themselves desperately short of space with no convenient place to expand to. While you may have unutilized areas in the initial period of the lease, this is far cheaper than having to either terminate a lease to relocate or have a second office situated in a different address.



I believe that success in property investment is attained only when the objectives of the investor have been realized. It‘s as simple as that.

A vital component of a property portfolio investment strategy is the careful setting of financial objectives.

These must include total return, capital appreciation, revenue streams, net results and eventual investment values all wrapped up in a time frame deemed strategically optimal for the investor. If these have been met, then the investment, can be considered a success.

However, many investors suffer from the “should have, could have, would have” syndrome. This occurs when the investor feels that his investment did not outperform the market, leading him to depart from the initial strategy, revert to short term thinking horizons and make poor decisions regarding his portfolio.

Those who have had the greatest success possess the ability to think long term, make rational, well researched and carefully thought out decisions with the end objectives in mind and understand that every real estate industry globally will go through cycles of growth and contraction.

They don’t panic. They do not get duped into making short term decisions based on inevitable market fluctuations, and they treat headlines such as oil price deflation as the catalyst for gaining a greater understanding of the underlying events that are shaping the industry and if any opportunities may conceivably arise.

“You need to be able to communicate knowledgeably with the experts. The investor fraternity is getting more knowledgeable.”

This is proactive investing. Investing in property is all about recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities that are consistent and supportive to your wealth accumulation objectives.

To do this, you must have some knowledge about the industry.

The old adage of “Don’t invest in anything you don’t know” applies. You need to be able to communicate knowledgeably with the experts. The investor fraternity is getting more knowledgeable.

More attention is being paid to location, quality of product and maintenance services, and the extent of completion and quality of infrastructure is now playing a big part in investor consideration.

With so much supply available, astute investors could demand, seek out and purchase the best of what was on offer, and the realization of the importance of these factors has remained a key learning for most of them.

In the post-recession era, things changed. The chase for yield along with an increase in the level of critical assessment of true values has meant that properties that offer more in way of physical product and potential rental returns are attracting the greatest attention. Investors have learnt.

The fundamental drivers of market values remain: location, product features and benefits, product quality, and demand and supply to be successful, you must have a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve and what role your property portfolio will play. What proportion of your total investment portfolio is allocated towards property? What is your source of finance?

The more skillful you are at conceptualizing your wealth generation schematic, the greater is your likelihood of generating successful strategies to grow your wealth.

You need to identify, engage and work with a professional in the industry. As astute, skillful and knowledgeable as you may be, a reputable, experienced and client focused full service agency will greatly enhance your level of success.

Select wisely. Do not fall into the trap that the cheapest will be good enough as this is rarely the case.

5 Key Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before Investing!

I always recommend that clients consult with a financial advisor prior to embarking upon the purchase of a property. Investing in property requires careful planning and a clear understanding of what it will entail.

How much do you really know about property as an investment?

You must have some knowledge about any investment that you might be considering. Property is no different. The old adage of “Don’t invest in anything you don’t know” applies. You may not be an expert, but you need to be able to communicate intelligently and knowledgeably with the experts.

Do some homework on the industry and gain an understanding of where the industry is now, where it is headed and what is driving its direction and development. “Get a feeling of its composition and what it has to offer you in terms of wealth generation opportunities, how you might be able to engage those opportunities and when you envisage starting your foray into the property investing space.”

It’s difficult for anybody to accurately assess opportunities and the risks associated with those opportunities if they have little knowledge of what it is they are investing in.


Are your investment objectives clearly defined and well considered?

As with any investment, investing in property is all about recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities that are consistent and supportive to your overall wealth accumulation objectives.

You must have a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve and what role your property portfolio will play within a larger diversified investment portfolio. What proportion of your total investment portfolio is allocated towards property? towards stocks or bonds? towards gold or commodities? Etc.

The only person who can determine what you are trying to achieve is you so be sure you know you’re your objectives are before doing anything.


What is your source of finance?

Needless to say, investing in property is often a capital intensive exercise and, depending on your strategy, returns can be subject to relatively long lead times. A sufficient and robust finance plan is essential. What is your source of finance and where do the greatest risks lie in the event of an economic downturn or change in circumstances? How liquid might you need to be? How exposed will you be to interest rate increases and or exchange rate fluctuations? What level of gearing or leverage are you comfortable with? Will you be able to preserve capital invested in your property portfolio during cyclical swings in the market or will you need to move capital among portfolios?

All these questions (and many more) need to be addressed and the more skillful you are at conceptualizing your wealth generation schematic, the greater your likelihood of generating successful strategies to grow your wealth.


Do you have a financial advisor? (That you trust)

I always recommend that clients consult with a financial advisor prior to embarking upon the purchase of a property. Investing in property requires careful planning and a clear understanding of what it will entail; the effects it will have on lifestyle, the risks it may pose, the stresses that may emerge while, at the same time, the benefits of generating wealth in, what can be, a very lucrative industry . A financial advisor can help you understand and assess all these elements by helping you determine what you actually need to do (or do without) to achieve your objectives.

Ask yourself if you know definitively what you can afford, how best to use available finance, how to accurately assess alternative investment options, how best to utilize your current assets and how investing in real estate is going to enable you to grow your wealth in the future. A financial advisor will view your investment as one part of your overall financial landscape and should be able to guide you into committing the right type and the right amount of resources to acquiring that dream home that everybody aspires to.

As with any investment, investing in property is all about recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities that are consistent and supportive to your overall wealth accumulation objectives.


Do you have a team of professionals (that you trust) who can assist you in your quest?

Are you able to identify, engage and work with a professional in the industry? Do you have the skill to select the right agency? Do you know what separates professionals that will provide you with tangible added value rather than simply line their pockets with your money? It’s up to you to choose wisely and remember, cheapest is not always best. Do you know where to find an experienced and passionate team with people who really enjoy what they are doing? An agency that exhibits a breadth and depth of industry knowledge and expertise? This is important. Look for longevity and evidence of good relationships with key industry stakeholders such as the major developers or authorities such as the Dubai Land Department, RERA, DEWA or Economic Department. And finally, look for an agency that has received some form of Industry or peer recognition. These are the hardest plaudits to get! ■


The idea of achieving financial freedom and not having to blow off a good portion of your hard-earned salary on rent will always be an alluring one. Evidently, more and more people are choosing to follow this path in the UAE, as we witness a rising trend in property purchases, among residents in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, with even newly launched projects being sold out in days.

No doubt, as word-of-mouth spreads that the UAE property market is ripe for investment for the salaried class, so does the eagerness to hop on this trend and reap its benefits. However, as easy as it is to get swept up in this investment-fever, it must be noted that a good amount of research and knowledge must be put in to ensure that your investment brings you the benefits you have heard of.

Developers have noted this increased demand for supply, and, as a result, we are seeing a number of massive residential projects launching in the Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah real estate markets. With so many options to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide on where your investment should go. It is, therefore, important to take a step back, take a deep breath, and realize what your end goal is when investing in property, as these end goals should be one of the primary factors to take into consideration. Are you looking to immediately move into the property that you are purchasing? Are you looking to sell this property soon after its surrounding area has developed? Are you looking to become a landlord and rent out the property you have purchased? All of these questions and more need to be answered on your road to property investment.

Investing in property, whether it is in the form of one large payment, or in a series of installments that can be equal to the amount of rent you are paying right now, can become a stress-inducing process. In my book, Landlording: From Renting to Financial Freedom, I delve into the specifics of such thought processes and explain how to get from one step to the next so that the property you invest in aligns with your goals and will ultimately be a stress-free and profit-generating endeavor.

To learn more about these key points and start your very own journey into the real estate market with Landlording: From Renting to Financial Freedom, e-mail


I have been lucky in my professional life to have met and worked with some very successful investors. While I have found each to be different in personality, style and even investment philosophy, there are some attitudes, traits and perspectives that are shared among the most successful investors I have had the privilege to have met.

Thinking back to many interesting discussions I have had with these people … some of whom are my most loyal and respected clients … there a several things that I have not seen from this group of achievers. This is what separates them from the rest.

Never sink into negativity!!

I have rarely heard my successful investors project a negative stance about anything in their professional life. This is not to say that they support every philosophy, concept or idea and they will also not accept an occurrence which is contrary to what they think should have happened.

But instead of expressing such a negative emotion as hate, they continue to think positively and seek positives from a situation or take a positive approach to remedying that which they do not agree with. As a result, the dialogue is always positive, creating an environment positivity, proactivity and energy directed towards progress.

Taking this approach also helps to create a pleasant, purposeful and fruitful environment in which to work and helps to maintain or even build esteem and confidence among those that can contribute to achieving exceptional results. It promotes objectivity, focus and decisiveness.

Never assume the world is fair!!

The world is not a fair place, never has been and never will be, and successful investors understand, embrace and accept that. This allows them to be immune from the negativity that can arise when an individual feels hard done by or cheated. It also allows them to plan, create contingencies and maintain a positive attitude when a seemingly unfair occurrence occurs resulting in a greater chance to respond to a situation rapidly and appropriately rather than dwelling on the fact that an occurrence was “unfair”.

 Never accept that there is only one solution to any one problem!!

An open mind is essential to development, progress and eventual success. Successful investors will embrace new ideas and innovation. To not realise that progress is created from ingredients consisting of past experience and innovation is too rely too heavily on tried and true practices that gradually lose relevance over time. This form of decay has destroyed entrepreneurs, global corporations and even whole economies and societies. With globalization, the world has become a much smaller place. To not embrace, improve and implement world’s best practice and only holding close what you are comfortable is the biggest threat to creating continued success.

Never believe that you are solely responsible for your own success!!

Nobody has ever made it on their own. It was once thought that the iconic, independent, totally self-sufficient, unchallengeable, silent-type, hard-nosed entrepreneur who left metaphorical bodies in his wake as he doggedly climbed the mountain of success was the role model that should be emulated by all who craved achievement. Many have tried and they all failed.

No-one can achieve success on their own. As a matter of fact, the most successful people I have met have surrounded themselves with successful people and ensured that those people shared in their success. They seek opinions, listen carefully, discuss intelligently, consider alternatives and have their decisions reviewed. They reward those who contribute to their achievements and help them succeed as well for this is also a valuable way to learn and build momentum at the same time.

Never abandon the realm of possibility!!

Successful people know that nothing is impossible and hold the belief that every problem has a solution, some of which just haven’t been thought of yet. Anything is possible as long as there is willingness to explore, question and challenge and imagination is intensely applied and ingenuity is rewarded. Achievers do not complain about obstacles. They embrace them so as to gain an understanding as to how they can be overcome for they truly believe that nothing is insurmountable.

Negative words like “can’t,” “won’t,” and “impossible” are never heard from the mouths of unsuccessful individuals. They know complaining will not help them, but actually doing something about the issue at hand will.

Never look back!!

Could have… would have … should have. We have all heard these expressions of retrospective folly. Experts in hindsight have no place at the table of successful people and regret is a fruitless and pointless emotion. Successful people thrive on opportunities not lost opportunities. If they cannot make one opportunity work to their satisfaction, they move on and find another opportunity. Regret simply slows down the effective pursuit of the next great opportunity.

Never accept the unpalatable as inevitable!!

Victims have no choice. Successful investors create alternative solutions to every problem and will carefully consider all of them. In this way, successful investors are never victims for they create an environment filled with choices. Then it’s just a matter of deciding which choice represents the best way forward.

Successful investors know how to create opportunities where normal people think none seemingly exist. Successful investors believe that opportunities always will exist, but they are hidden in the recesses of our individual and collective imaginations. The reason why there are successful, is largely due to their determination and ability to extract those opportunities, while others are stagnating in the belief that they don’t exist!!

How Increasing Bank Interest Rates Can Affect Real Estate Investments

Not too long ago it was announced that The Federal Reserve will increase banking interest rates by 4.75 to 5%. This decision can have significant effects on various sectors of the economy, including the real estate market. Real estate investors, in particular, should be aware of how an increase in interest rates can impact their investments.

One of the main ways in which an increase in interest rates affects real estate investment is through mortgage rates. As interest rates rise, the cost of borrowing money to finance a property purchase also increases. This can make it more expensive for investors to buy and own real estate, which can reduce demand for properties and potentially drive down prices.

Additionally, as borrowing costs increase, investors may need to put down larger down payments to secure loans. This can make it harder for some investors to finance their purchases, particularly those who are already stretched thin or have limited access to credit.

However, it’s not all bad news for real estate investors. Higher interest rates can also have a positive impact on the real estate market. As interest rates increase, it can lead to a decrease in inflation, which can help stabilize property values. Additionally, if the economy is strong, as we have seen with Dubai, an increase in interest rates can lead to higher wages and increased demand for housing, which can drive up rental rates.

Overall, an increase in interest rates can have a mixed impact on real estate investment. While it can make financing more expensive and potentially reduce demand for properties, it can also help stabilize the market and create opportunities for investors who are able to navigate the changing landscape. Real estate investors should stay informed about the Federal Reserve’s decisions on interest rates and be prepared to adjust their strategies accordingly. This is where a well-experienced, gold-ranked agency steps in to provide expert advisory services to help investors navigate the situation.

Contact Harbor Real Estate today to help you find the ideal strategy for your portfolio and future investments:

+971 4 325 1616

+971 50 916 6543