5 Key Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before Investing!

I always recommend that clients consult with a financial advisor prior to embarking upon the purchase of a property. Investing in property requires careful planning and a clear understanding of what it will entail.

How much do you really know about property as an investment?

You must have some knowledge about any investment that you might be considering. Property is no different. The old adage of “Don’t invest in anything you don’t know” applies. You may not be an expert, but you need to be able to communicate intelligently and knowledgeably with the experts.

Do some homework on the industry and gain an understanding of where the industry is now, where it is headed and what is driving its direction and development. “Get a feeling of its composition and what it has to offer you in terms of wealth generation opportunities, how you might be able to engage those opportunities and when you envisage starting your foray into the property investing space.”

It’s difficult for anybody to accurately assess opportunities and the risks associated with those opportunities if they have little knowledge of what it is they are investing in.


Are your investment objectives clearly defined and well considered?

As with any investment, investing in property is all about recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities that are consistent and supportive to your overall wealth accumulation objectives.

You must have a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve and what role your property portfolio will play within a larger diversified investment portfolio. What proportion of your total investment portfolio is allocated towards property? towards stocks or bonds? towards gold or commodities? Etc.

The only person who can determine what you are trying to achieve is you so be sure you know you’re your objectives are before doing anything.


What is your source of finance?

Needless to say, investing in property is often a capital intensive exercise and, depending on your strategy, returns can be subject to relatively long lead times. A sufficient and robust finance plan is essential. What is your source of finance and where do the greatest risks lie in the event of an economic downturn or change in circumstances? How liquid might you need to be? How exposed will you be to interest rate increases and or exchange rate fluctuations? What level of gearing or leverage are you comfortable with? Will you be able to preserve capital invested in your property portfolio during cyclical swings in the market or will you need to move capital among portfolios?

All these questions (and many more) need to be addressed and the more skillful you are at conceptualizing your wealth generation schematic, the greater your likelihood of generating successful strategies to grow your wealth.


Do you have a financial advisor? (That you trust)

I always recommend that clients consult with a financial advisor prior to embarking upon the purchase of a property. Investing in property requires careful planning and a clear understanding of what it will entail; the effects it will have on lifestyle, the risks it may pose, the stresses that may emerge while, at the same time, the benefits of generating wealth in, what can be, a very lucrative industry . A financial advisor can help you understand and assess all these elements by helping you determine what you actually need to do (or do without) to achieve your objectives.

Ask yourself if you know definitively what you can afford, how best to use available finance, how to accurately assess alternative investment options, how best to utilize your current assets and how investing in real estate is going to enable you to grow your wealth in the future. A financial advisor will view your investment as one part of your overall financial landscape and should be able to guide you into committing the right type and the right amount of resources to acquiring that dream home that everybody aspires to.

As with any investment, investing in property is all about recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities that are consistent and supportive to your overall wealth accumulation objectives.


Do you have a team of professionals (that you trust) who can assist you in your quest?

Are you able to identify, engage and work with a professional in the industry? Do you have the skill to select the right agency? Do you know what separates professionals that will provide you with tangible added value rather than simply line their pockets with your money? It’s up to you to choose wisely and remember, cheapest is not always best. Do you know where to find an experienced and passionate team with people who really enjoy what they are doing? An agency that exhibits a breadth and depth of industry knowledge and expertise? This is important. Look for longevity and evidence of good relationships with key industry stakeholders such as the major developers or authorities such as the Dubai Land Department, RERA, DEWA or Economic Department. And finally, look for an agency that has received some form of Industry or peer recognition. These are the hardest plaudits to get! ■

جريدة الخليج: 53 % حصة البيع على الخريطة في دبي خلال ثلاثة أشهر

سجل السوق العقاري المحلي في دبي بيع نحو 6350 وحدة سكنية خلال الربع الثالث من العام الجاري 2018، واستحوذت المبيعات على الخريطة على أكثر من النصف بواقع 53% (3366 وحدة)، وتصدرت كل من «الخليج التجاري» و«مدينة محمد بن راشد» و«دائرة قرية الجميرا» مبيعات الشقق على الخريطة خلال هذه الفترة.
وتصدرت «المدينة العالمية» و«مارينا دبي» و«دائرة قرية الجميرا» مبيعات الشقق الجاهزة بنسبة 32 % من مجموع مبيعات الشقق الجاهزة خلال الربع الثالث لعام 2018
أما مبيعات الفلل والمنازل الفردية الجاهزة فقد تجاوزت المبيعات على الخريطة في الربع الثالث من عام 2018 والتي تصدرتها «روعة الإمارات» (اميريتس ليفينج (و«المرابع العربية» و«داماك هيلز» والتي بلغت مجتمعة نسبة 30% من مجموع مبيعات الفلل والمنازل الفردية الجاهزة خلال الربع الثالث

استقرار سعري

ولفت التقرير المشترك بين «هاربور العقارية» و«بروبرتي مونيتور» إلى أن الأسعار التي تم تداولها للفلل والمنازل الفردية قد استقرت خلال الربع الثالث من عام 2018 على أقل من متوسط أسعار عام 2017، وضاقت فجوة السعر بين الشقق والمنازل المستقلة. كما اتجهت أسعار الشقق أيضًا إلى الانخفاض وبلغت في المتوسط نحو 1.2 مليون درهم في الربع الثالث من عام 2018. كما أن تداولات العقارات الجاهزة التي بدأت في منافسة أنشطة البيع على الخريطة للفلل والمنازل الفردية منذ نوفمبر/‏تشرين الثاني 2017، قد استمرت في اتخاذ نفس المنحى خلال هذا الربع

في غضون ذلك، وخلال الأشهر التسعة الأولى من عام 2018 استمرت تداولات البيع على الخريطة للشقق في التصدر حيث ركز المطورون اهتمامهم على تزويد خيارات منخفضة الأسعار وخطط الدفع الميسرة والمنافسة
والمنافسة والتنازل عن رسوم  التسجيل وغيرها من الحوافز الأخرى

الرئيسي والثانوي

وطبقًا للبيانات الصادرة عن «بروبرتي مونيتور» فإن 27% من سعر تداولات البيع على الخريطة للشقق خلال الأشهر التسعة الأولى من عام 2018 تراوح بين 1,200 إلى 1,500 درهم للقدم المربعة. وبالمقارنة فإن أعلى سعر في السوق الثانوي للشقق بلغ بين 500 و 800 درهم للقدم المربعة
واستمرت شقق الاستوديو والوحدات ذات غرفة النوم الواحدة في تصدر المشهد الأنشط من حيث التداولات في كل من المبيعات على الخريطة والسوق الثانوي في عام 2018 حتى تاريخه
في الربع الثالث من عام 2018 سجلت أسعار المبيعات في سوق العقارات انخفاضًا ربع سنوي بنسبة 1.4% و 1.3% للفلل والمنازل الفردية والشقق على التوالي. ومن المحتمل أن النشاط الاقتصادي الضعيف وتسليم الوحدات السكنية الجديدة من المطورين لاحقًا هذا العام، أن يفرض مزيدًا من الضغط لخفض أسعار مبيعات المساكن. وفي تلك الأثناء، فإن إعلان حكومة دولة الإمارات في عام 2018 عن لوائح التأشيرة الجديدة لمدة عشر سنوات وتأشيرة الإقامة لمدة خمس سنوات للأجانب المتقاعدين سيكون له تأثير إيجابي على السوق في الأجل القريب

أداء الإيجار

كان انخفاض أسعار إيجارات الوحدات السكنية أكثر وضوحًا في «دبي لاند» و«الروضة – ذا جرينز» وفي «روعة الإمارات» و«موتور سيتي» و«المرابع العربية» و«فيكتوري هايتس» و كان متوسط التغير على مدى 12 شهرًا نحو7%
ومن المتوقع أن يستمر انخفاض الأسعار خلال الربع الأخير من العام الجاري وبداية عام 2019 مع وجود خطط لتسليم مساكن جديدة بكل من الملكية الحرة ومجتمعات الإيجار غير المنتهي بالتمليك في دبي
ومع ذلك، فإن أثر ذلك على بعض المشاريع سيكون أقل وضوحًا إذا استفاد المطورون من محفزات الطلب الفريدة مثل الواجهة البحرية والتشطيبات عالية الجودة والمرافق المجتمعية المتميزة

المعروض القادم

جرى تسليم نحو 6,000 وحدة سكنية في أنحاء دبي في الربع الثالث من عام 2018، وتركزت غالبية عمليات التسليم خلال الربع الثالث لعام 2018 في «دائرة قرية جميرا» و«منطقة برج خليفة» و«تاون سكوير» و«دبي الجنوب». واستحوذت الشقق السكنية على أكثر من 72% الوحدات التي تم تسليمها. أما بالنسبة لباقي السنة، فستتركز غالبية المعروض القادم في مناطق «الخليج التجاري» و«دائرة قرية جميرا» و«مدينة دبي الرياضية» و«واحة دبي للسيليكون» و«تاون سكوير»

مهند الوادية: 1.2 و 1.9 مليون درهم متوسط السعر

قال مهند الوادية، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة «هاربور العقارية»: «من بين الملاحظات التي برزت في التقرير هذا عن السوق العقاري في دبي للربع الثالث من 2018، هو أن متوسط الأسعار الحالية للمنازل المستقلة والشقق يبلغ 1.9 مليون درهم و1.2 مليون درهم على التوالي، وهي تقريبا نفس أسعار ما رأيناه في الربع الأول من عام 2008 وقبل انهيار السوق المالي العالمي
وأضاف الوادية أن الفرق قبل عشر سنوات أن كنا في طفرة نمو اقتصادية سريعة متسارعة، حيث كان المشترون يلاحقون المكاسب المالية السريعة في ذلك الوقت، لم يتوقع الكثيرون أن السوق كان متجهاًً نحو الانخفاض الحاد، على الرغم من أن بعض العقول المنطقية تنبأت بحدوث هذه الحالة التي كانت وشيكة

محمد عبيدات: مبيعات الجاهز تتحرك للتفوقعلى نظيرتها على الخريطة

من جانبه أشار محمد عبيدات، الرئيس التنفيذي للتكنولوجيا في شركة بوروبرتي مونيتور إلى أن الجميع يدرك الوضع الحالي للسوق العقاري ونملك اليقين بأنه سيتحول قريبا للاتجاه الأعلى. ونرى أنه، بالنسبة للعديد من المشترين، فهذا هو الوقت المثالي لشراء منزل في دبي وأصبح الحلم هذا في متناول اليد حسب أسعار السوق الحالية
وذكر عبيدات أن بيانات نظام بروبرتي مونيتور تشير إلى أن مبيعات المنازل الجاهزة قد تخطت في الآونة الأخيرة مبيعات المنازل قيد الإنشاء في المشاريع المطلقة مؤخرا، وهذا أمر منطقي لأن العائلات المشترية لا تقدر أن تقوم بالدفع والانتظار لبناء منزل وفي نفس الوقت دفع الإيجار أيضًا، فهي تحتاج إلى منازلها الآن، وبالتالي فهي أكثر ميولاً إلى شراء المنازل الجاهزة في نفس الوقت

Property investing in 2017… many alternatives

There are many alternatives for the property investor in today’s market. Here are just a few of them and why I think each presents significant opportunities to increase my client’s wealth.

Affordable housing

The affordable housing segment in Dubai has outperformed its more luxurious alternative for some time now and continues to show lots of promise. Affordable properties will continue to be in high demand as Dubai’s population growth gains momentum during a period of expected strong economic growth leading up to the end of the decade.

Examples of affordable projects that are providing good rental returns and expected capital appreciation are the Skycourts project and the adjacent QPoint project. Apartments in Skycourts have proven to be very popular with tenants and investors alike and have historically delivered excellent capital growth with some apartment values growing by 20 to 25% % in the 24 months leading up to the correction and shedding no more than 5% reduction in values during the correction with rental premiums of at least 7% not uncommon. Purchasing an apartment at Skycourts has been made even been made more affordable with the developer offering units, some with existing and reliable tenants, with a very attractive easy payment plan. QPoint is also providing rental yields of 6% to 7% and has also showed strong resilience in losing minimal capital value during the correction.

And while the value is irrefutable, he risks associated with investing in the affordable segments of the industry as opposed to the luxury segments are much lower. Demand for this type of affordable accommodation will continue to grow as Dubai’s population swells in the run up to the Expo and the demand for well-located affordable housing increases. As Dubai grows, so will the need for affordable housing.


The rise of Dubai as one of the world most preferred tourist destinations is a remarkable story. Tourism and associated commercial activities are flourishing in Dubai and the focus of investment has been on new projects to grow these important revenues generating economic segments and further diversification. The launch of 2 major theme parks in 2016 will ensure Dubai attracts over 15 million visitors in 2017, continuing a growth trend of approximately 10% per annum since 2010 and is well on track to attracting over 20 million visitors in 2020 with continual investments in infrastructure and attractions expected to generate 25-30 million tourists annually to the emirate by 2030.

The local market offers significant opportunity. The GCC, with a total population of just over 40 million people, has one of the youngest populations in the world. Approximately 50% of the population on the Arabian Peninsula is below 25 years of age. What a wonderful opportunity this represents for Dubai. The possibility exists for the construction of the only mega family entertainment destination in over 2,500,000 square kilometers of territory. From an economic point of view, the provision of memorable entertainment experiences for the youth and families of the region must have a multiplier effect on the economy.


All things being equal, offices in today’s market can provide an ROI significantly greater than that of residential properties. This is mainly due to lower per sq. ft. capital cost but also reflects the higher levels of risk associated with owning this type of property.

Managing tenants is also more straightforward. You will have a business-to-business relationship with your tenant and many of the emotional issues which can complicate residential leasing arrangements won’t exist. It’s easier to keep interactions professional and focused and relationships are built over time with the opportunity to attract a ‘blue chip’ tenant and are likely to rent your property for a long period and less likely to default on rental payments. In many cases, office tenants and property owner interests are aligned. The tenant wants an efficient operation which presents a favorable impression to his customers, business associates or peers and, in this way, is more likely to assist the owner maintain or even improve the property.

Establishing a true value of the investment is often easier with commercial property. Reviewing the current owners’ income statement and existing lease details will provide a good indication of the likely future cash-flows and help to establish an accurate valuation. Residential properties are often subject to more emotional pricing or developer inefficiency and cost recovery considerations.
In addition to lease rates and periods, negotiations can include such items as provision of fit-out assistance, maintenance, implementation of office and storage systems, insurance, lease to buy provisions and options … the list goes on. The variations are countless.

Labor Camps

One alternative that is not considered very often is the ubiquitous labor camp. Dubai is going through a high construction phase with a growing requirement for construction labor. Demand for this asset type has been very strong and continues to grow. Yields above 15% are not uncommon and by selecting the right tenant, longer term contracts can be negotiated. This investment is certainly worth consideration when economic activity is expected to increase or remain strong for extended periods of time.

Investing in 2017? Five key points to ask


You must have some knowledge about any investment that you might be considering. Property is no different. The old adage of “Don’t invest in anything you don’t know” applies. You may not be an expert, but you need to be able to communicate intelligently and knowledgeably with the experts.

Do some homework on the industry and gain an understanding of where the industry is now, where it is headed and what is driving its direction and development. Get a feeling of its composition and what it has to offer you in terms of wealth generation opportunities, how you might be able to engage those opportunities and when you envisage starting your foray into the property investing space.

It’s difficult for anybody to accurately assess opportunities and the risks associated with those opportunities if they have little knowledge of what it is they are investing in.


As with any investment, investing in property is all about recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities that are consistent and supportive to your overall wealth accumulation objectives.

You must have a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve and what role your property portfolio will play within a larger diversified investment portfolio. What proportion of your total investment portfolio is allocated towards property? towards stocks or bonds? towards gold or commodities? etc.

The only person who can determine what you are trying to achieve is you so be sure you know you’re your objectives are before doing anything.


Needless to say, investing in property is often a capital intensive exercise and, depending on your strategy, returns can be subject to relatively long lead times. A sufficient and robust finance plan is essential.

What is your source of finance and where do the greatest risks lie in the event of an economic downturn or change in circumstances?  How liquid might you need to be? How exposed will you be to interest rate increases and or exchange rate fluctuations? What level of gearing or leverage are you comfortable with? Will you be able to preserve capital invested in your property portfolio during cyclical swings in the market or will you need to move capital among portfolios?

All these questions (and many more) need to be addressed and the more skillful you are at conceptualizing your wealth generation schematic, the greater your likelihood of generating successful strategies to grow your wealth.


I always recommend that clients consult with a financial advisor prior to embarking upon the purchase of a property.

Investing in property requires careful planning and a clear understanding of what it will entail; the effects it will have on lifestyle, the risks it may pose, the stresses that may emerge while, at the same time, the benefits of generating wealth in, what can be,  a very lucrative industry . A financial advisor can help you understand and assess all these elements by helping you determine what you actually need to do (or do without) to achieve your objectives.

Ask yourself if you know definitively what you can afford, how best to use available finance, how to accurately assess alternative investment options, how best to utilize your current assets and how investing in real estate is going to enable you to grow your wealth in the future. A financial advisor will view your investment as one part of your overall financial landscape and should be able to guide you into committing the right type and the right amount of resources to acquiring that dream home that everybody aspires to.

As with any investment, investing in property is all about recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities that are consistent and supportive to your overall wealth accumulation objectives.


Are you able to identify, engage and work with a professional in the industry? Do you have the skill to select the right agency? Do you know what separates professionals that will provide you with tangible added value rather than simply line their pockets with your money? It’s up to you to choose wisely and remember, cheapest is not always best.

Do you know where to find an experienced and passionate team with people who really enjoy what they are doing? An agency that exhibits a breadth and depth of industry knowledge and expertise? This is important.

Look for longevity and evidence of good relationships with key industry stakeholders such as the major developers or authorities such as the   Dubai Land Department, RERA, DEWA or Economic Department.

And finally, look for an agency that has received some form of Industry or peer recognition. These are the hardest plaudits to get!

Ask the agent

Question: I have been in the UAE for a long time, and accumulated a portfolio of 17 apartments and a couple of villas located all over Dubai. Everyone knows that the market is on a slowdown so is there still a way to make any profit during this period?

There are too many investors who are under the illusion that investing in property is almost a “set and forget” proposition, but nothing could be further from the truth. The property industry is incredibly dynamic and requires constant attention as factors influencing its performance as an investment are as broad as they are complex.

Investing in property is no different to investing in any other asset. Its purpose is to create wealth but, in order to do that, it needs to be nurtured, maintained and managed just like any other investment. Ask yourself a question: Would you create a share portfolio without monitoring and managing its health and performance? Of course not, and having a property portfolio is no different.

With a portfolio this large, you need professional help to manage your property investment, particularly during times when yield is harder to generate.  It requires careful thinking about what the true earnings potential of the portfolio really is, and what is the most efficient and effective way to go about realizing that potential. You need a good property manager who will ensure that you maximize returns from your property portfolio and enable your long term portfolio strategy to be realized.

Essentially your property manager should be capable of managing your business which just so happens to be a property portfolio. Remember, it’s your investment, and you need to ensure it’s in good hands providing you with the returns you expect with as little hassle as possible.

Choose wisely as once you appoint a property manager, your ultimate return on investment is largely in his hands.

QUESTION: I have a well-maintained 1-bedroom apartment in Queue Point, Liwan. When I purchased it, the selling rate was at AED 550 per sq.ft. Should I continue to rent it out or sell it now?

Properties located in non-prime areas such as Dubailand have been doing very well even in the current market scenario. Even in the recent past, we have witnessed the more affordable properties in the market, including those in Dubailand, doing quite well in terms of significant value growth and ongoing sales activity as there remains a supply gap in the truly “affordable” property segment.

As mid to upmarket property in prime locations have become unaffordable for some homebuyers and investors, people have turned to more reasonably-priced projects like Remraam, Skycourts, Queue Point, etc., which promise capital appreciation even in the current market climate. These developments are still young, and more growth and infrastructure development is still in the offing.

There is no doubt that you would still make some profit if you sold today; however, we expect values to still improve, especially as the infrastructure and landscaping around the development gets completed. I suggest you retain the apartment for at least the next 5 years as you will continue to benefit from superior capital growth and enjoy at least 8 percent net annual rental returns in the meantime.

Question: Am I right in thinking that rental rates are not as affected by the market slowdown as sale prices? I was expecting a big reduction in my rent but our landlord told us it will remain the same.

Yes, you are partly right. The current industry climate has affected sale prices more although rents have also fallen in certain areas which only means the market slowdown has varying effects on different areas and property types. Regarding your rent, what will determine whether the landlord can raise your rent or not is how your rental levels compare with the new and updated index.

You should familiarize yourself with Law 43 which was issued on 22/12/2013 and replaced Decree # 2 of 2011. It introduced certain restrictions with regard to the calculation and implementation of legally allowable rental increases.

Having said that, it does not set out to control the rental value of new contracts and where a property is to be let for the first time or to a new tenant, it is up to the owner and prospective tenant to agree as to how much rent should be charged for the property.

However, for your peace of mind, you can compare your rental rate to the current market rate by using the RERA rental increase calculator online by visiting: http://www.dubailand.gov.ae/English/Pages/Rental-Increase-calculator.aspx

While it has its limitations, it is a useful tool that is also being used by landlords as a reference point for determining rental rates.

Question: I have just received an offer from a bank representative to refinance my property. Is this an opportunity I should avail of or not?

Very easily, I can say the answer is YES, but only if it makes financial sense! In short, you need to make some quick but careful calculations.

There are some very attractive mortgage products in the marketplace with a few mortgage providers offering rates as low as 3.99% or even 3.49% which signals that competition among UAE banks for higher market share of the mortgage market is getting pretty intense.

There are a number of things you need to consider such as, is there an early payment penalty for your current mortgage? It may well be that you will need to pay a hefty fee to exit the existing contract.

While 3.99% is an attractive rate, how long are you guaranteed this attractive rate? Interest rates will eventually rise and this eventuality needs to be understood by mortgagors as the attractive 3.99% interest rate enjoyed today will, in all probability, be replaced with a significantly higher rate in 2 years’ time, requiring increased mortgage payments to cover the interest rate hike. You need to factor this into your financial planning.

Will you need to pay any establishment fees for your new mortgage contract? With the mortgage market becoming so competitive, you should be able to have any fees waived.

Finally, make sure you can pay out your new mortgage contract at a future point in time without any penalty. This is an unnecessary expense that you should not be burdened with.


Question: I am coming from overseas and looking to rent a home. I heard about this thing called “district cooling.” What, exactly, does it mean?

District cooling for the provision of chilled water has emerged globally as a way to provide cooling to buildings in a more environmentally sensitive way. It is considered to provide great benefits in the long run and, in addition, helps in saving on the costs of electricity which will be reflected in lower DEWA bills of tenants.

You will find that most of the units which are serviced by chilled water district cooling are offered at slightly lower rental rates. However, you should enquire as to how your cooling charges will be calculated and enquire as to all the charges which are included in the cost. You may even ask existing tenants how much they are paying currently before you commit to a tenancy contract.

With regard to consumption charges, I am assuming you will have a BTU meter installed in your future apartment? If so, you will be billed directly by the cooling services provider based upon what you actually consume in terms of cooling. The more you use, the more you pay.

Having said that, the DEWA savings will be offset somewhat as you may incur an additional utility charge as some owners of units that are equipped with chilled water district cooling will be passed on the slightly higher utility charges that they incur which involves the remuneration of the capital costs of providing the infrastructure that delivers the chilled water to the unit. This charge will, in all likelihood, be calculated as a pro-rata of the actual consumption charges.

Nevertheless, in most cases, developers have managed to offer better value for money while helping protect the environment.

 By Mohanad Alwadiya
CEO, Harbor Real Estate
Advisor & Instructor, Dubai Real Estate Institute (DREI)
Published in Freehold – Gulf News
Dated: 30 April, 2016