Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Miten Malina Kasino verkossa soveltuu suomalaisille pelaajille? – How does Malina Casino online suit Finnish players?

Malina Kasino on yksi monista casinoista, joka on saanut suosituksensa suurilla määrillä pelaajista eri maissa. Mutta kuinka se soveltuu suomalaisille pelaajille?
Tämä nettikasino tarjoaa useita maksuvalinto- ja peruttamismenetelmiä, joita Suomessa on yleensä käytössä.
Suomalaiset pelaajat voivat nauttia myös erittäin la adjattuja tarjouksista ja kampanjista.
Casinossa on suuri valikoima pelejä, kuten slotiakin, jotka on kohdattavissa suomenkielisessä verkkosivustossa.
Myös asiakaspalvelu on saatavilla suomenkielisessä keskustelupalvelussa.
Suomalaiset pelaajat voivat myös nauttia suomenkielisestä edustajasta, joka auttaa heitä kaikissa kysymyksissä.
Miten Malina Kasino on tehty suomalaisten pelaajien tarpeiksi? Se tarjoaa houkuttelevan pelisorttimen, helposti käytettävän sivuston ja asiakaspalvelun, joka on saatavilla suomenkielinen.
Jos et ole vielä kokeillut Malina Kasinoa, nyt on paras aika aloittaa!

Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Pelatakaapa Malina Kasinoa? Kuinka hyvä on peli-valinnat? – Shall we play Malina Casino? How good are the game selection?

Oletko ajatellut yrittää onneaan Pelatakaapa Malina Kasinoa? Kasino tarjoaa suuren määrän erilaisia pelejä, joten sinulla on mahdollisuus valita peli, joka sopii parhaiten sinun makupiiriisi. Pelialueellamme on kaikki klassikot, kuten blackjacki ja ruleti, sekä monia erilaisia video-slottoja. Peliryhmämme on myös kokonaa 3000 pelejä, jotta voit löytää uusia ja innostavia pelaamistapoja. Uusien tuotteiden lisäksi Pelatakaapa Malina Kasino tuo vieraille pelaajille mukavasti käyttökokemusta ja nopean palvelun. Pelialueella on myös monia mahdollisuuksia voittamaan suuria palkintoja, joten voit olla varma siitä, että on aina jotain odottamassa. Kuinka hyvä on siis Pelatakaapa Malina Kasinoa? Pelivalikoima on sen arvokas maine.

Bonukset ja tarjoukset Malina Kasinolla – mitä suomalaiset tarvitsevat tietää? – Bonuses and offers from Malina Casino – what Finnish players need to know?

Tervetuloa tutustumaan Malina Kasinon bonukset ja tarjoukset! Suomalaiset pelaajat voivat hyötyä useista edullisista tarjouksista, mutta mitä tarvitsee tietää ennen aloittamista?
1. Uusille pelaajille on tarjolla tervetulisbonus. Ancesteohjeen avulla saat 100% bonuskoodin asti 200€:ään.
2. Kasino tuo myös uutta peliä usein, jolloin on mahdollisuus saada ilmaiset pyöräyksen tarjoukset.
3. Malina Casinolla on myös lojaalisuuspontit, jotka kertyvät pelaamisesta.
4. Ponteet voidaan vaihtaa erilaisiin edutarjouksiin.
5. Pidä silmällä tarjouksia vieraskäynnin aikana, sillä silloin on monesti erilaisia erikoistarjouksia.
6. Varmista, että olet täyttänyt kaikki edellytykset ennen tilaa.
7. Kaikki tarjoukset on käytettävissä mobiilipelaamisella ja tietokoneella.
8. Tarjouskoodit on käytettävissä nykyisessä kampanjassa, joten pidä tarkasti silmällä sivustoa.

Suomalaisilla onnistui Malina Kasinolla: olen kokeneen pelaajan käynnissä – Finns succeed at Malina Casino: an experienced player’s account

Suomalaisilla onnistui Malina Kasinolla: olen kokeneen pelaajan käynnissä. Tässä kertoisin mielestäni tärkeimmistä seikoista, mitä suomalaiset pelaajat huomioivat Malina Casino-palvelusta. Ensimmäisenä on yhteydenotto helposti saatavilla suomenkielisellä asiakaspalvelulla, joka auttaa kaikissa tarpeissa. Toiseksi, suomalaisilla onnistui Malina Kasinolla, koska pelialue on runsas ja monipuolinen. Kolmanneksi, bonuskoodit ja tarjoukset, jotka ovat erittäin edullisia suomalaisille, on ihan helppo löytää. Neljänneksi, Suomalaisille onnistui Malina Kasinolla myös siksi, että talletus- ja withdraw-valinnat ovat monipuolisia. Viidennes, pelirahasto on helposti päivittävissä. Kuudes, erittäin suosittu on myös suomenkielinen live-peli. Seitsemäs, Malina Casino siis on täysin suomenkielinen. Kahdeksas, perustetun Casinoadvisers-arvostelun mukaan, Malina on vakinaisen ihanan pelihalun muoto, jossa suomalaiset voivat helposti pelailla. Tämä on mielestäni tarpeeksi syitä, miksi suomalaisilla onnistui Malina Kasinolla.

Suomalaisille: pelaa Malina Kasinoa verkossa – kokemus, pelit ja bonukset!

Mitä arvostetaan Malina Kasinosta – suomalaiset antavat arvostelun – What is the verdict on Malina Casino? Finnish reviews

Mitä arvostetaan Malina Kasinosta Suomalaisilla? Lue vertaukset suomen kielen käyttöön ja saat tietää, mitä pelajat sanoivat tästä kasinosta.
1. “Paras casino, joka milloinkaan on ajoinut! Hyvää pelitutkimusta ja nopeat maksut.”
– Anonymi, Tampere
2. “Mahtava valikoima kolikkopelejä ja hyvin toimivaa asiakaspalvelua.”
– Sanni P., Helsinki
3. “Ehdottomasti suosittelen Malina Casinota! Lahjakortit ja kaikki muut maksut onnistuivat erinomaisesti.”
– Juha P., Jyväskylä
4. “Hyvä pelitutkimus, mutta en tiedä, miksi paljon aikaa meni kaikkien papereiden välittämiseen tiliamatin auktorisoimiseen.”
– Heikki R., Oulu
5. “Mainio pelitutkimus! Olen tyytyväinen Malina Casinon pelivalikoimaan.”
– Laura H., Espoo
6. “En ole kovin tyytyväinen. Tilin latausmenetelmät saattavat olla hieman räsymaisia.”
– Antti L., Turku
7. “Erittäin hyvä valikoima erilaisia pelejä! Yleensä tämä on tosi hyvä kasino.”
– Henna K., Vantaa
8. “Pidin heistä. Lahjakortit onnistuivat, ja kaikki meni nopeasti ja helposti.”
– Jari K., Rovaniemi

Suomalainen pelihaasteen etsijä, Heikki :

“Suomalaisille onnea tuo Malina Kasino! Minulla on ollut ihan hauskaa pelaamalla siellä erilaisia kasinopelejä. Pelituottajat, joista valita kannattaa mainita NetEnt ja Microgaming, toimivat mestarillisesti ja pelit toimivat sujuvasti. Suosittelen myös ottamaan vastaan tervetuliaisbonuksen, joka on ainutlaatuinen lahja saapumiselle.

Suomalainen kasinotarina, Marja :

“Olen pelannut monta vuotta kasinoissa netissä ja Malina Kasino on tosi hyvä löytö! Pelijaksojen valinta on loistava ja bonukset ovat mukavia. Suosittelen tätä nettikasinoa kaikille Suomalaisten, jotka halunnat hakea uutta kokemusta pelaamisesta.

Suomalainen sivuston tarkkaaja, Petteri :

“Malina Kasino on kyllä riittävän hyvä nettikasino. Peliohjelma on laaja ja moderni. Lisäksi kannattaa mainita, että asiakaspalvelu toimii hyvin ja tervetuliaisbonukset on helppo saada käyttöön. Siinä kaikki, mitä voin sanoa tällä hetkellä.

Tämän artikkelin sivulla Suomalaisille tarjolla tietoa Malina Casinosta, jossa voi pelailla netissä varmuudella ja mukavuudella.
Katsokaapas seuraavia empiä kysymyksiä:
* Mikä on Malina Casinon kokemus? Lue suosittujen pelaajien kokemuksia!
* Mistä peliä voi soittaa? Netissä on tarjolla useita mieluisia vaihtoehtoja!
* Mitä bonusarvoja on saatavilla? Katsokaapas tämän artikkelin lopussa olevaa listaa!
* Onko Malina Casinossa turvallista pelailla? Kiinnostaako Suomalaisille? Lue lisätietoja!
Nämä ovat vain jotkin pääkohdat, joita tämä artikkeli koskettaa.

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English – Don’t Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English – Don’t Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

The Rise of Online Casinos in the UK: An Overview

The UK has seen a significant rise in the popularity of online casinos. The convenience and accessibility of online gaming platforms have contributed to their growing appeal. The variety of games available, from classic table games to innovative slots, has also attracted a diverse range of players. Moreover, the incorporation of advanced technology, such as virtual reality and live dealers, has enhanced the overall gaming experience. Furthermore, the regulatory framework in the UK, with the UK Gambling Commission overseeing all gambling activities, ensures that online casinos operate fairly and responsibly. This provides an added layer of protection and trust for players. The upward trend in Donbet casino online casinos is expected to continue as technology advances and more people turn to the internet for entertainment.

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English - Don't Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

The Top Features to Look for in UK Online Casinos

When searching for the ideal UK online casino, consider the following top features:

1. Licensing and Regulation: Ensure the casino is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission.

2. Game Selection: Look for a diverse range of games from top software providers.

3. User Experience: The site should be easy to navigate, mobile-friendly and visually appealing.

4. Security: The casino should use SSL encryption to protect player data.

5. Customer Support: 24/7 support with multiple communication channels is essential.

6. Bonuses and Promotions: Check for generous welcome bonuses and ongoing promotions.

7. Banking Options: A variety of secure deposit and withdrawal methods should be available.

The Benefits of Playing Online Casino Games in the UK

Playing online casino games in the UK has numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows players to access a wide variety of games from the comfort of their own home. Secondly, online casinos often offer bonuses and promotions that are not available in traditional brick-and-mortar casinos. Thirdly, online casinos provide a level of convenience, as players can play at any time and don’t have to worry about closing times. Fourthly, online casinos offer a safe and secure gaming environment, with strict regulations in place to ensure fair play. Fifthly, online casinos offer the ability to play for free, giving players the opportunity to practice and improve their skills before playing for real money. Sixthly, online casinos offer a wide range of payment options, making it easy for players to deposit and withdraw funds. Lastly, online casinos offer a sense of community, with chat rooms and forums allowing players to connect with other casino enthusiasts from across the UK.

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English - Don't Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

The United Kingdom is home to a thriving online casino industry, with a variety of popular games that attract players from all over the country. Here are seven of the most popular online casino games in the UK:
1. Online slots, also known as fruit machines, are a staple of UK online casinos and offer players the chance to win big with each spin.
2. Roulette is another popular game in the UK, with its simple rules and exciting gameplay making it a favorite among players.
3. Blackjack, or 21, is a classic card game that is enjoyed by many players in the UK, with its mix of skill and luck making it a challenging and rewarding game.
4. Poker is a popular choice for UK players, with a variety of different versions available, including Texas Hold’em and Omaha.
5. Baccarat is another card game that is popular in the UK, with its simple rules and fast-paced gameplay making it a favorite among many players.
6. Craps is a dice game that is enjoyed by players in the UK, with its exciting gameplay and the opportunity to win big making it a popular choice.
7. Live dealer games, which allow players to interact with a real dealer via video link, are becoming increasingly popular in the UK, with games such as blackjack, roulette, and baccarat leading the way.

How to Stay Safe and Secure While Playing Online Casinos in the UK

To ensure a safe and secure online casino experience in the UK, follow these essential tips:
1. Choose a licensed casino: Always opt for online casinos regulated by the UK Gambling Commission.
2. Secure payments: Look for casinos that offer multiple secure payment options, including e-wallets and prepaid cards.
3. Data protection: Ensure the casino follows data protection regulations, keeping your personal and financial information confidential.
4. Check encryption: Confirm if the casino uses SSL encryption for secure data transmission.
5. Responsible gambling: Choose casinos that enforce strict responsible gambling measures, such as deposit limits and self-exclusion options.
6. Read reviews: Browse unbiased casino reviews to gauge players’ experiences and confirm safety aspects.
7. Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with industry news, regulations, and security requirements to make informed decisions.

Experience the Thrill of Online Casino Games in English - Don't Bet, Play at the Best UK Casinos

The Future of Online Gambling in the United Kingdom

The future of online gambling in the United Kingdom is a hot topic in the iGaming industry. With the recent rise of remote gambling, the UK government has been working on new regulations to ensure player safety and responsible gaming.
One of the most significant changes is the introduction of stricter age verification checks, aimed at preventing minors from accessing online gambling platforms.
Additionally, there are plans to increase transparency in advertising, with tighter restrictions on promotional offers and bonuses to reduce the risk of encouraging problem gambling.
The use of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and blockchain is also being explored to enhance player experience and provide greater security.
Furthermore, the UK Gambling Commission is encouraging operators to invest in research and development of new products and services that promote responsible gambling.
The future of online gambling in the United Kingdom looks promising, with a strong focus on responsible gaming, player protection, and innovation.
It will be interesting to see how these changes shape the industry and impact both operators and players in the years to come.

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Customer Review 2:

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Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga – Norges beste valg

Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga – Norges beste valg

Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga - Norges beste valg

Spill utvalgte kasino-spill hos Spinanga – Hvorfor er det Norges beste valg?

Spill utvalgte kasino-spill hos Spinanga og opplev en spennende og velkomstrike gamblingopplevelse. Her finner du et bredt utvalg av kasinospill, inkludert blackjack, roulette og spilleautomater. Spinanga kjem også med en generøs velkomstbonus og god lønnsomhet, slik at du kan spille mer for mindre. Men det er ikke bare om spill og penger – Spinanga sørger også for en trygg og seriøs livekasino-opplevelse. Derfor er vi overbevist om at Spinanga er Norges beste valg for kasino-spill. Prøv det selv og se hvorfor!

Hvordan kunne du starte å spille kasino-spill online på Spinanga?

Hvis du vil börja spille casino-spill online på Spinanga, følg disse einføyde trinnene:
1. Opprett ein spillerprofil på Spinangas nettside.
2. Verifiser einnhet deg ved å fullføre innskudd via en betalingsmåte som støttes.
3. Gå til spillbiblioteket og velg et spill som fascinerer deg.
4. Les gjennom reglene og instruksjonane for spillet før du starter.
5. Trykk på “spill nå”-knappen for å begynne å spille.

Spinangas casino-spill: Hvilke fordeler har du som spiller i Norge?

Spille Spinangas casino-spill i Norge gir en række fordeler:
1. Sikker og pålitelig spillopplevelse.
2. Støtte for norske krone og innsatsmåter.
3. Adgang til en variert samling casino-spill.
4. Mulighet for å spille på mobilen din.
5. Mottatt kundestøtte på norsk.

Hvilke kasino-spill er like populære som spill hos Spinanga i Norge?

I drømmer om å vinne store beløp, prøver mange norske spelere helden i forskjellige casino-spill. Spinanga er et populært casino i Norge, men hvilke spill er like populære i andre norske casinoer? Les videre for å oppdage de fem mest populære spillene som kan matche populærheten til Spinanga.

  • Slots: Som i Spinanga, er slots også en favoritt blant norske spelere i andre casinoer. De tilbyr enkle regler, hyppige utbetalinger og spennende temaer.
  • Blackjack: Mange norske casinoer har også stor interesse for det klassiske kortspillet, blackjack.
  • Roulette: Spellen roulette er også en populær valg blant norske casino-gjestar.
  • Videopoker: Videopoker er like populært som hos Spinanga, specielt for dem som elsker poker men ønsker en enklere og mer enda spennende spillopplevelse.
  • Baccarat: Baccarat er et andet klassisk kortspill som draer til seg norske casino-spillere.

Spinanga – Hvorfor er det Norges beste online kasino for kasino-spill?

Spinanga er Norges beste online kasino for kasino-spill av flere grunner. Først og fremst, har de en enorm spillutvalg, med tusenvis av spill fra de mest populære leverandørene. Dessutert er deres kundeservice klasseledende, med rask svar og vennlig hjelp rundt klokken. Spinanga tilbyr også sikkert betaling og uttak, og har en god velkomstbonus for ny spillere. Sluttelig, har de en sjarmerende og brukervennlig nettside som er en vesentlig del av casino-opplevelsen.

Review from a satisfied customer, Per, 35 years old:

Dett er min favorittcasino på nett. Jeg har prøvd flere forskjellige, men Spinanga står over dem alle. De har en utmerket valgmengde av spill, og det er lett å navigere på deres sida. Jeg har vunnet noen penger her, og uttaket er alltid raskt og enkelt. Jeg kan varmt anbefale Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga – Norges beste valg.

Review from another happy customer, Lise, 40 years old:

Jeg har vært kunde her på Spinanga i noen år nå, og jeg har alltid vært fornøyd. De har en god valgmengde av spill, og det er trygt og sikkert å spille her. Jeg har dessverre aldri vunnet noen større beløp, men det har vært hyggelig å spille her når jeg har tid.

Review from a neutral customer, Svein, 50 years old:

Jeg har vært her i en liten stund og har spilt noen av deres spill. Spillene fungerer godt og det er gøy å spille, men jeg har ikke vunnet noe enda. Jeg vil se hvordan det går før jeg formulerer noen mer spesifikke kommentarer.

Review from another neutral customer, Anne, 30 years old:

Jeg har nettopp startet å spille her på Spinanga, og jeg har ikke nøyaktig en holdning ennå. Spillene synes jeg er hyggelige og jeg har ikke hatt noen problemer med siden. Jeg har ikke vunnet noe enda, så jeg kan ikke si noe om det enda.

Er du interessert i å spille casino-spill online hos Norges beste valg?

Spørsmål om Spill kasino-spill på nett hos Spinanga er velkommen. Hva er innskuddskravet? Hvilke spill er tilgjengelige? Er spillene fleksible og sikre?

Finn alle svar her! Spinanga er kjent for sin enkle og trygge plattform, god kundeservice og store utvalg av casino-spill.

Rental Yield Tightening?

Many people misunderstand the role of the property manager, thinking that the role does not extend beyond the collection and remittance of rental receipts and acting as a buffer between the landlord and the tenant. Little do they realize that a good property manager will generate a greater return from their property portfolio and enable a long term portfolio strategy to be realized. So what should you look for in selecting a professional to manage your property(s)?

Well, first of all, you need a professional who is experienced in the market. Not just any market, but the Dubai market. Typically, if you find somebody with at least 10 years of experience, you would find somebody who has survived the global recession, and that should provide a reasonable indication that they are in the business for a long time and that they had the skills to navigate and survive Dubai’s property slump. Many didn’t.

A competent property manager will provide a whole host of services for you but the most important is the development of a Property Portfolio Strategy. Your chosen professional must be able to articulate and present his thoughts after conducting a thorough assessment of your personal situation and property portfolio. He must be able to provide you with a credible strategy and activity plan which is designed to harness the true potential of your property and provide you with the maximum rate of total return. It is essential to have a well thought out strategy for your property portfolio if you are to maximize your returns.

Not just anybody can formulate a credible and implementable strategy. It requires years of expertise and a fundamental understanding of what makes Real Estate such a worthwhile and superior investment. A true professional will have a strong knowledge base on topics including industry history, current market factors and trends, risk factors, and the likelihood of relevant future events that will affect the performance of your property investment. This knowledge should span global, regional and local landscapes and will require a good understanding of economic factors, industry knowledge extending to government policy and regulation, finance and market dynamics.

Forming a strategy is one thing, but being able to bring the strategy to life is quite another. You will require an activity plan which will include details of pricing and marketing, customer relationship management and tenant management and policy for the entire portfolio. Essentially, this area of expertise is related to the “topline” or revenue generation and management of the property.

Equally important is the cost management and maintenance supervision of the property. Many times, I have seen excellent “topline” performance being eroded due to poor operational and maintenance cost controls.

Managing your property portfolio will also require proper performance measurement, communications and review schedules, and status reporting and financial statements. You should always seek examples of these elements as transparency and candid performance appraisals are essential for managing your portfolio correctly by addressing shortfalls to objectives, issues requiring addressing and opportunities for performance improvement, in addition to your peace of mind.

You also need to choose a property manager who you can work with and who, you believe, has your best interests at heart. Your property manager must be a customer centered and, unfortunately, in this business, this is not always the case.

There is no point entering a business relationship that is lacking in mutual trust and respect. You must have confidence in his ability to manage a business… your business… which just so happens to be a property portfolio. As with all investments, but especially investments in property, there will be good times and challenging times. There is no such scenario as “set and forget”. It doesn’t exist. If you do not respect the manager you have appointed, the relationship will not survive the challenging times and you will need to go through the whole process of finding a replacement. So take your time but invest your time to your benefit. Be sure to ask for referrals and call some existing clients. Seek out success stories. Ask to see examples of client reports and so you can have an idea of their completeness, continuity and timeliness. Ask your property manager carefully thought out questions to enable you to gauge the depth and breadth of knowledge that he possesses.

Ensure that the organization you are dealing with has the resources to support the manager of your portfolio. In these times of eliminating overheads, individual performance can be inhibited because of a lack of organizational support. You should ask to meet the team.

Finally, remember, it’s your investment, and you need to ensure it’s in good hands providing you with the returns you expect with as little hassle as possible. Once you appoint a property manager, your ultimate return on your investment is largely in his hands. Choose wisely.

Managing your property portfolio will also require proper performance measurement, communications and review schedules, and status reporting and financial statements.

القطاع العقاري يبدأ صياغة ملامح ما بعد كوفيد ـ 19

واجه الاقتصاد العالمي في ظل تداعيات أزمة كورونا انكماشا اقتصاديا مما كان له أثر كبير على شتى القطاعات ولاسيما القطاع العقاري. و يرى الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة هاربور العقارية والمحاضر في معهد دبي العقاري، السيد مهند الوادية، أننا نعيش حقبة جديدة وواقع جديد يمر به العالم بأكمله ويصنف اقتصاديا بمصطلح ” البجعة السوداء”، وهو حدث له تداعيات كبيرة على المدى الطويل وليس لأي قطاع مناعة ضد أي ازمة من هذا الحجم.
فعام٢٠٢٠ هو عام الشجعان بالنسبة للقطاع العقاري، والمرحلة القادمة تتطلب شجاعة من قبل جميع العاملين واطراف المعادلة العقارية من اصحاب القرار لسن قوانين لدعم قطاع العقارات بطريقة مبتكرة ، تخدم العاملين والمتعاملين بالقطاع. وايضا تقديم وابتكار حلول من قبل المطورين العقاريين و موفرين الخدمات لاستقطاب مستثمرين بطريقة ذكية تتماشى مع الوضع الراهن

وأضاف الوادية: قد تأثر قطاع العقارات بهذه الأزمة، وبالأخص قطاع الإيجارات. فقد تراجعت أسعار الإيجارات وشملت تسهيلات ومبادرات من قبل عدد كبير من الملاك المؤسسيين والأفراد تضمنت إعطاء أشهر إيجار مجانية أو تسهيلات في الدفع أو تخفيض للقيم الإيجارية للمحافظة على المستأجرين وتقليص نسب إخلاء المستأجرين. أما أسعار البيع لم تنخفض بنفس الوتيرة، لانه اذا نظرنا الى قطاع العقارات وأدائه خلال العقد الماضي في دبي، رأينا الأزمة المالية العالمية عامي ٢٠٠٨ و ٢٠٠٩. حيث حدث انخفاض حاد بالأسعار سببه حدوث تضخم و فقاعة عقارية سبقت الأزمة. تلاها هبوط حاد بالاسعار في عامي ٢٠٠٨ و٢٠٠٩، وظل العقار في وتيرة تصحيح لغاية نهاية عام ٢٠١٣، حين فازت دبي باستضافة معرض إكسبو دبي، فأصبح هناك صعود مفاجئ بالأسعار بنسب تصل ل 30% والتي تعد نسبة غير مستدامة تزامنت مع طرح مشاريع جديدة، تلاها حركة تصحيح للارتفاع السريع الذي شهده القطاع ومن ثم مر القطاع بمرحلة تصحيح وهدوء تدريجي خلال الأعوام التالية.

لكن الأزمة الحالية من غير المتوقع أن تسبب هبوط حاد مماثل للذي شهده القطاع في خلال الأزمة الاقتصادية العالمية لان أزمو كوفيد 19 لم يسبقها أي فقاعة، حيث أن القطاع العقاري كان يمر بمرحلة تصحيح تدريجي على مدى عقد من الزمن وصلت فيه أسعار العقارات لمستويات منخفضة لا توفر مجال لانخفاضات مفاجئة.

كما أنه يجب أخذ بعين العتبار أنه تم تطوير البنية التحتية القانونية والتشريعية في العقد الماضي بجهود جبارة من أصحاب القرار في الدولة ودائرة الأراضي والأملاك، لحماية جميع اطراف المعادلة العقارية من مشترين مستثمرين ومطورين و مهنيين عقاريين، والآن نحن بمرحلة نضوج قانوني لم يشهده القطاع من قبل، فقد تم طرح قوانين جديدة لتحسين قطاع العقارات منذ عام 2008. ومؤخرا تم تعديل السياسات النقدية والمالية التي طرحتها الحكومة بدولة الإمارات العربية لتعزز الاقتصاد بطريقة تطمئن الجميع، لذلك نرى أن آثار أزمة كوفيد 19 وتداعياتها الأثر الاقتصادية أقل بكثير من دول أخرى. فقد قررت الحكومة تأجيل أقساط الديون المتعثرة مدة 3 أشهر وإيقاف تنفيذ الإخلاءات الإيجارية والإجراءات التنفيذية وإعفاء رسوم تجديد التراخيص والأنشطة التجارية ورسوم حماية البيانات الشخصية وإعفاء رسوم إصدار وتجديد تصاريح العمل المؤقتة وتخفيض رسوم المرافق. وكذلك خطط التحفيز التي أطلقتها الحكومة، وخطة الدعم الاقتصادي للمصرف المركزي، إلى جانب حزمة الحوافز الاقتصادية التي ساهمت في توفير المرونة الكافية ومساعدة الاقتصاد ككل وقطاع العقارات على الاستجابة للأوضاع الراهنة.

وقد أصبح التوجه الآن بعد حدوث هذه الأزمة للحكومة الذكية والالكترونية، وبما أن حكومة دبي توجهت لذلك منذ فترة طويلة، لم يكن هناك عقبة لحدوث التداولات العقارية في فترة الحظر ، وتم إدراج الكثير من التداولات العقارية ولكنها انخفضت بنسبة ٪٦٠ في تلك الفترة. وقد قامت شركتنا هاربور العقارية بمعاملات عقارية منذ بداية العام بقيمة تتجاوز ١٥٠ مليون درهم ، مما يأكد أن هناك العديد من المستثمرين يقومون بشراء العقارات في ظل الأزمة الحالية. وتوفر البنية التحتية التكنولوجية في دبي بشكل كبير ساهم في استمرار التداولات العقارية عن بعد عن طريق الانترنت. ، فالتحدي الحالي هو التعايش مع هذه الفترة بطريقة ذكية، والمستثمر الذكي يقتنص الفرصة المناسبة بالوقت المناسب. وحالياً ترجع دبي وقطاعاتها تدريجياً للحالة الطبيعية، فمنذ تم فك الحظر الأسبوع السابق ارتفعت في شركتنا هاربور العقارية نسبة المهتمين بالشراء بنسبة ٪١٠٠.

وسيتم كذلك تغير العرض والطلب، فمثلا سيستمر العرض علي القطاع السكني، لان السكن والعمل أصبح حاليا من البيت، فسيزداد الطلب على البيوت. ومن المتوقع أن يزداد الطلب أكثر على بيوت اوسع بإطلالات اجمل مع غرفة اضافية لتكون مكتب للعمل عن بعد وحدائق وبلكونات واسعة. وبالمقابل من المتوقع أن يتباطأ الطلب عللى قطاع المكاتب ومحلات التجزئة، حيث شهد التسوق انلاين نمو كبير. كما من المتوقع أن يستعيد قطاع الفندقة نشاطه تدريجيا مع تركيز الطلب على الفنادق الراقية والتي تتبع إجراءات السلامة وقد يؤدي ذلك الى تباطؤ في الطلب على بيوت للعطلات. ومن المتغيرات التي شهدها القطاع هو حركة الهجرة الداخلية حيث ينتقل العديد من المستأجرين من الشقق ذات القيمة المرتفعة والموجودة في قلب دبي للمناطق الخارجية التي توفر مساحات أكبر وبأسعار أقل مع أسلوب حياة أكثر تناسبا مع الواقع الجديد وبالأخص وحدات فلل التاون هاوس.

في الفترة الحالية، البقاء سيكون للأكثر ابتكارا وتعايشاً مع واقع السوق الجديد. وتأجيل معرض إكسبو دبي سيفتح آفاقاً جديدة أمام المطورين، فإلى جانب أنه سيعطيها متنفساً للتعافي من الأضرار التي لحقت بهم بسبب الأزمة الراهنة، سيمنحهم فرصة لاستكمال وإنهاء مشاريعهم المخططة للعامين الحالي والمقبل.

انصح المطورين بتوفيرعروض تتماشى مع احتياجات القطاع الحالية والمستقبلية عبر خطط دفع ميسرة وكذلك عبر تقديم قيمة حقيقية وخدمة عملاء استثنائية ليستمروا في ادارة شركاتهم بطريقة ربحية، مع الحرص على توفير حلول مبتكرة، لا تعتمد على كثرة الاعلانات او تخفيض الأسعار بل بتوفير قيمة حقيقية على المال من خلال طرح خطط دفع ميسرة، واعفاء المشتري من رسوم الخدمة المرتفعة ورسوم تسجيل العقار وعقارات مصممة بشكل يتناسب مع احتياجات الطلب الجديدة. فلدينا في هاربور العقارية مشاريع لفلل تاون هاوس جاهزة مع خطط دفع تصل لعشرون عاماً وبأقساط ثابتة بدون بنوك.

ورغم أن هذه الفترة لها جانب سلبي، لها جانب ايجابي أيضاً، فهي فرصة لاقتناص شراء عقار باسعار توفر قيمة حقيقية على المال، حيث نرى هذه الفرص في وقت الأزمات، فالثروات تخلق في وقت الأزمات ، والعقار يستثمر فيه للمدى الطويل لذا يجب شراؤه بالوقت المناسب، والآن هو وقت مناسب للشراء سواء للاستثمار أو السكن. وتعد كذلك فرصة لسن قوانين لدعم قطاع العقارات بطريقة مبتكرة ، تخدم العاملين والمتعاملين بالقطاع. وايضا تقديم وابتكار حلول من قبل المطورين العقاريين وموفرين الخدمات لاستقطاب مستثمرين بطريقة ذكية وتتماشى مع الوضع الراهن.

العقار من افضل أصول للاستثمار على المدى الطويل ويجب الصبر عليه لتحقيق العوائد الاجمالية المرجوة منه، ويعد آمن جدا اذا استثمر بالوقت الصحيح وبالطريقة الصحيحة وإذا تم ادارته بالطريقة الصحيحة على المدى الطويل. فأي شخص يشتري عقار في بلد له مستقبل واعد وبنية تحتية قوية وموفري خدمات مهنيين، فهو ينتهج الطريق الصحيح لتحقيق الاستقلال المالي ولاختيار العقار الصحيح. أنصح الأفراد بالتطوير من معرفتهم العقارية و بشراء عقارات جاهزة وليس قيد الإنشاء، بخطط دفع ميسرة من المطور مباشرة وعدم الاقتراض من البنوك إلا إذا كانوا على دراية كاملة بتفاصيل التعاقد مع البنك. وأيضاً دراسة سمعة المطور وأسلوب الحياة قبل شراء أي عقار.

Ask The Agent

I have a property portfolio of a mix of 1 and 2-bedroom flats in JLT and Dubai Marina. With this in mind, how do I capitalise on what I have?

Seek professional advice as to how to manage your real estate portfolio. Many landlords across Dubai are bound to miss out on the revenue-generating opportunities that Expo 2020 will bring because of poor or non-existent planning. A competent property manager will provide you with the best opportunity to maximise your financial gains by giving you an assessment of the opportunities, and a strategy and activity plan designed to harness the financial potential of your property. Do not make the mistake of leaving your planning too late. You will need to comprehend current and likely future market conditions and events, likely risk factors that may enable or inhibit revenue growth, inflation and cost increases, and a complete comprehension of financial modelling and the ever-developing area of industry policy and regulation.

I am considering buying property to offer for rent. I am looking at two similar offers, one of which is located within 150 meters of a metro station and offered at a premium of around 8 percent. Is this reasonable?

Let us first look at why properties situated close to the Metro can command a premium. It is all about convenience, cost and lifestyle efficiency. Your prospective tenants can enjoy a cost-effective, fast, comfortable and reliable mode of transport to either travel to work, visit friends or even do some light shopping. No traffic hassles, road works, parking, and wear and tear on the family car while the requirement for a second family car is diminished. Many tenants are prepared to pay a rental premium for a property which allows them to enjoy these benefits. Our studies have shown that properties located within a .5-kilometre radius of the Metro in Dubai can command between a 6 percent and 11 percent premium when compared to similar properties with no feasible ambulatory access to a metro station.

My apartment is ready. When I said that I want to inspect it the developer said they already completed their inspection. Is this right?

Technically, once an official Completion Certificate has been issued for the building by the Dubai Land Department, it is deemed ready for handover and your contractual obligations regarding transfer of ownership remain. Nevertheless, I doubt if the developer has your best interests at heart in this instance. You have the right to inspect (snag) your apartment and report any legitimate issues to the developer for rectification. Items which can be remedied in the short term should be fixed immediately. Remember, once you have taken ownership of the apartment, the developer is obliged to fix any issues that may arise for a full 12 months following the transfer of ownership. It is in your interests to snag your apartment, and I strongly recommend you engage a professional to do this on your behalf.

What is the difference between a leasing agreement and a property management agreement?

You enter into a leasing agreement when you wish your real estateto locate suitable tenants for your apartments, facilitate the signing of the tenancy agreement leaving you to assume the responsibility and devote your time to managing the tenant and all aspects of the property thereafter. A property management agreement includes a lot more. A competent property manager will provide an assessment, strategy and activity plan. Considerations include history, current market and risk factors, industry knowledge extending to policy and regulation, finance and market dynamics. An activity plan will be provided covering pricing and marketing, customer relationship management, tenant management and policy, cost management, maintenance supervision, communications and review schedules, status reporting, financial reporting and resourcing. All of these activities will be performed by the property manager under a property management agreement.

Question of the Week

With Expo 2020 coming, is there anything I should do differently with my two apartments in Dubai Marina from a leasing point of view?

Timing will be critical to the decisions that you make regarding the management of your property. First of all, you need to get professional advice as you require a skilled and knowledgeable property manager to help you harness the true financial potential of your property during this unique period in Dubai’s real estate history. You need to appreciate that there will be some nuances and important considerations when looking at the opportunities that the World Expo 2020 will provide. For example, overall values will change but differing asset types and locations will not necessarily move in unison as Expo preparations move ‘from the analytical and planning phases through to implementation and eventual launch and operational phases. Initially, it is likely that investor demand will drive much of the value appreciation to be followed by an increasing rate of end-user demand for accommodation, both for villas and apartments. Those areas in proximity and with easy access to the Expo 2020 site itself will attract initial attention. However, as the event draws closer, demand for more centrally located property will also increase. One can expect both the rental return and capital return curve to steepen as we move closer to the event launch.betting sites not with gamstop

Ask The Agent

Mohanad Alwadiya CEO. Harbor Real Estate

When is the best day to conduct an open house? What preparations do I need to make?

Weekends, particularly Saturdays. are best because potential tenants and buyers are free then. Be prepared to have your house open for as long as possible to get as many people to see your home in a 24 or 48-hour period. Make sure the outside of the house is neat and tidy and, if required, the paintwork or exterior of the house has been touched up. The garden should be presented in mint condition with lawn areas carefully manicured, trees and shrubs trimmed, patio areas swept clean, and outdoor furniture wiped free of dust and dirt. Treat oil stains in parking areas. The interior of the house must be clean and properly maintained with all defects attended to and be free of any odours. Consider subtle air deodorants to provide a pleasant overall ambience. Make sure that your home is cool, bright and welcoming, and that you have some refreshments available for your guests.

How can I make my property highly marketable? I am trying to rent out some office space.

Think like a prospective business owner by developing a unique selling proposition (USP). Business owners think of their customers, staff and business associates. Location is critical. It is all about proximity, convenience and the prestige that a well-chosen location can bring. It seems logical, but it is amazing how many times owners do not present their leasable assets in mint condition. A little money spent on painting, repair and general cleaning goes a long way. Business operators also think about the initial financial burden of office fit-outs. Think about how you can entice and retain a long-term tenant by offering to assist with fit-out costs. Offer financial inducements for longer-term lease contracts. Retaining a responsible long-term tenant in the best way maximises the potential return on your assets over the long term.

How does one become a shrewd property investor? What qualities or skills are important?

Investing in property is all about recognising and capitalising on opportunities that are consistent and supportive to your overall wealth accumulation objectives. To do this, you must have some industry knowledge, able to communicate intelligently with the experts. You must also have a clear understanding of what role your property portfolio will play within a larger diversified portfolio. The more skillful you are at conceptualising your wealth generation schematic, the greater is your likelihood of generating successful strategies to grow your wealth. You also need to be able to identify, engage and work with a professional in the industry. As astute, skillful and knowledgeable as you may be, a reputable, experienced and client-focused full service agency will greatly enhance your level of success. Choose wisely. Don’t think the cheapest will be good enough as this is rarely the case.

What documents do I need to provide so I can arrange for an agency to market and sell my villa?

You need to provide a proof of identity, usually a passport or Emirates ID, so we know who we are dealing with. The original sales and purchase agreement is required so we can verify with the Dubai Land Department that we are dealing with the bonafide current owner. If the property is leased, we need the details of the lease agreement including status of outstanding payments and payments for service charges or owners association. We will consult with you and prepare a letter of engagement containing the details of what you require from us. If you are located overseas and would like us to represent you, you need to provide a power of attorney which will detail the extent to which you would like our representation in the various facets of marketing and selling your property.

Question of the Week

I want to modify and extend my villa. What are the documents required/ procedures to be followed when it comes to making alterations/ additions to the original building construction?

You will need to establish that the amendments that you plan on doing do not threaten the structural integrity or safe habitation of your villa by you or by future owners should you decide to sell it one day. Therefore, you should prepare the architectural and MEP drawings for the proposed concept. These would need to be viewed in conjunction with the architectural and MEP “as built drawings” by a number of different authorities and regulatory bodies to ensure that the proposed designs will be structurally sound and meet all the required building codes and regulations. You will need to obtain NOCs from your owners association, the zoning authorities, Civil Defence authorities and, in some instances, your project developer. You may also require NOCs from DEWA regarding electricity and water supply. If renovations are extensive, you may be required to have the work inspected by the Civil Defence and the Building Department. In the majority of cases, your architect or contractor can arrange for all approvals on your behalf and I suggest you engage the professionals.

Ask The Agent

Mohanad Alwadiya CEO, Harbor Real Estate

Is there a state of oversupply in Dubai real estate? How does one know for sure?

It depends on an accurate estimation of construction timelines which are invariably fluid, and the demand for real estate assets due to Dubai’s growing population that is largely driven by overall economic growth going forward. In addition, it needs to comprehend a lag effect from the time the conditions conducive to development are identified by developers and when properties are finally released to the market. Given that the economy of the emirate is expected to grow at an estimated 5+ percent annually for the remainder of the decade, and initiatives such as the Expo 2020 are expected to generate an additional 270,000 jobs, the demand for housing and commercial facilities is expected to grow significantly. Much of the city’s planning comprehends the number of people living in the emirate to grow to 3.4 million by 2020, a 7 percent annual increase from today’s 2.25 million.

What property characteristics should I, as a buyer, pay close attention to in order to minimise any risks associated with my investment decision?

Location is the first factor to consider as it can drive up a property’s value. Prestigious locations like Palm Jumeirah, Downtown Dubai and Dubai Marina fared well in the post-GFC period, and affordable areas such as Jumeirah Lakes Towers, The Greens, Dubai Sports City, Discovery Gardens and International City followed suit. But there are other factors as well. The quality of the end-product and infrastructure, maintenance services, and the extent of completion must also be part of any consideration. Value for money and superior ROl must be considered if you are an investment buyer. Current and future supply levels of various asset types need to be examined. However, it is the fundamental drivers of market values which remain: location, product quality, features and benefits, and demand and supply.

We’re a startup company looking for an office space with the best value. Should we rent or buy?

At this stage, you need to keep costs down until you become fully established in the market. The old cliché “location, location, location” is all about the convenience and prestige it can bring to any business. Great value, affordable and well-constructed office spaces may be found in a particular area, but these may not work for you if the location is a hindrance to your operations. We always advocate businesses acquiring their own premises if they commit to operating long term in Dubai. There is no tax advantage in leasing in the UAE, and as long as your office space is appreciating, your balance sheet will grow stronger over time. If you decide to lease your premises, look for the best deal and lock it in for at least three to five years. Lease rates will soon increase going forward, so make sure you take advantage of current rates.

We purchased a villa in Dubai in 2010. Instead of continuing to rent it out, my husband and I decided to sell it. How do we find a good seller’s agent?

There is a large number of licenced real estate brokers in Dubai and the UAE. Finding the right agent to sell your property is something you need to pay close attention to because getting the best person is crucial to how quickly you can make a sale without compromising on your agreed-upon expectations. Factors such as years of experience in the UAE market, track record of success, in-depth understanding of market trends, area expertise, client testimonials, level of commitment, passion, dedication, professionalism and honesty are important. He/ she should also be a duly licenced RERA-certified real estate broker. Before committing to any realtor, make a list of all the questions you want answered first and see how they respond as doing so will help you gauge whether or not giving him/her your business is the best thing for you and your husband, and your property.

Question of the Week

What sort of documents are required after accepting an offer to buy my property?

The first (and most important) step is to prepare and sign an MOU which contains all the details and timing particulars of the offer. The buyer has to sign the MOU after reviewing its provisions. As with all legal documents, get a proficient broker or legal representative to draft the MOU for you. You also need to sign “Form F,” a contract between the buyer and seller. Ensure that the buyer and/or the relevant representative has their respective identification and/or authorisations so payments have been satisfactorily arranged. Step 2 will require the receipt of a “No Objection Certificate” from the developer. Step 3 is to pay the final utility bills so that the account is cleared and ready to be taken over by the new owner. If there’s a tenant, you will need to sort out any outstanding rent or payment details. Step 4 will require you to go to the Dubai Land Department offices or a trustee registration office together with the buyer and all relevant parties, and conduct the final transfer. Transfer of ownership will take place at the DLD with all monies owed by the buyer to you to be presented as part of the transfer procedure. Although the above procedure appears simple enough, I recommend you engage a professional to handle the transaction process for you. You will be surprised how little issues, many not foreseeable to the inexperienced, can delay the satisfactory settlement of your property sale.

Ask The Agent

Mohanad Alwadiya

CEO, Harbor Real Estate

Can you please share some details on how rental increases are determined in Dubai?

Your landlord needs to give you a notice of increase at least 90 days prior to contract expiry. You should familiarise yourself with Law No. 43 which introduced the following restrictions (summarized) with regard to legally allowable rental increases: There should not be any rent increase if the rent for the real estate alit is no more than 10 percent below the average rent that a similar property commands within a neighborhood; The annual rent increases can range from 5 up to 20 percent according to how much the current rent s less than the market average, The market average rates are to be determined by the RERA rental index. The implementation of Law No. 43 is necessary to safeguard consumer interest, the overall industry and the economy at large from unjustifiable rental increases on existing rental contracts.

What documents do I need to provide so I can arrange for an agency to market and sell my villa? Give a proof of identity, usually a passport and/or Emirates ID, and a copy of the original sales and purchase agreement to be verified with the Dubai Land Department (DLD). If the property is leased, provide details of the lease agreement including the status of outstanding payments and any information pertaining to the history with the tenant. Also, provide the status of payments of service and owners association charges. The agency will sit and consult with you as to what your requirements are and prepare for you a letter of engagement which will contain the details of what you require from the agency and what fees have been mutually agreed upon. If you are located overseas and like an agency to represent you, you need to provide a power of attorney detailing the extent to which you would like the agency’s representation in the various facets of marketing and selling your property.

What property features should I prioritise when listing my apartment for sale?

If you have a listing agent or are already working with a realtor, they would know exactly what characteristics of your property should be highlighted to make it stand out from the rest and be highly marketable. But the most important features that will make or break your goal to sell your apartment include the fact that it must be competitively priced or paced just right for the market, its location or proximity to landmarks and important infrastructure such as transportation links and commercial districts, size, building facilities and community amenities, duality and current physical condition, whether or not it is being handled by a professional property management firm, or fully paid or financed. Also, make sure you mention any improvements done, and if it has special features such as a nice view, balcony, closed kitchen or extra storage.

I have just joined the market as a property investor. Can you please help me in determining an optimal rental rate to attract may first tenant? The simplest way to determine a good rental rate for your property is the sales comparison approach (SCA) which relies on identifying a factor that is homogenous to similar properties. For example, an apartment similar to your planned investment which attracts a monthly rental rate of Dh7 per square foot can indicate the likely cash flow you expect: however, as property managers, we do not advocate this approach. A more comprehensive method is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) which comprehends levels of risk and opportunity cost as it applies to your investment. It identifies your potential return on investment derived from capital appreciation in addition to net rental income and compares it to other investments that you may be considering. This enables smarter investment decisions and, therefore, is the one that we use as standard procedure.

Question of the Week

With many attractive off-plan offers today, I am tempted to buy an off-plan property. But how do I know if I am buying one with real potential?

Whether you are buying ready or off-plan property, market fundamentals still apply. Make sure that an off-plan purchase is consistent with your property portfolio strategy. Location can never be disregarded. Considerations regarding how close the project is to commercial, educational and leisure hubs, medical and health facilities, public infrastructure, popular and established communities, and the manifold views one can enjoy all add up to the desirability of a property’s location. The asset type is also important. What type of asset will be in demand in the future: affordable apartments, townhouses or villas? Be smart about the “product” that you buy. Look for certain property types in locations which you believe will be keenly sought in the future. You need to do some careful financial analysis which will enable you to determine the value of the discount that you anticipate receiving by buying off-plan. Easy payment plans can ensure you limit your capital exposure before completion. Also, you need to be conversant with financial concepts such as net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) to guide you in the decision-making process when assessing your alternatives.

Equilibrium now further away for Dubai market

Developers in Dubai will be happy with their 2017 results, with over 70% of all transactions in Dubai in 2017 being in the off-plan space, their efforts have been well rewarded.

In a year where over 69,000 real estate transactions were recorded, with a total value exceeding Dh285 billion, real estate transactions in 2017 eclipsed the 41,776 deals achieved in 2016 which represented a total value of Dh259 billion.

Winning the hearts and minds of real estate investors has never been easy. In recent years, certainly post 2008, buying off-plan would have been viewed with more circumspection as the prospect of buying finished property that would able to yield cash flow in the form of rental income virtually immediately would have been considered a less risky prospect than relying on developer platitudes regarding construction timelines.

In addition, attracting the buyers in the affordable segment has always been challenging as the purchaser tends to be more pragmatic, governed more by fiscal realities than emotion or ego. Developers needed to broaden and deepen their customer understandings and develop greater empathy for a segment that had really been neglected in the past.

So, the foray by developers into the affordable segment was accompanied by an increasingly attractive array of successfully marketed financing offers which were designed to garner an increasing proportion of available investor capital into the off-plan property space. After all, new customers have different needs requiring new strategies and tactics.

While these new tactics may have been treated with suspicion in the past, the industry has matured from the heady days of flipping, speculation, false promises and minimal accountability with the regulatory changes imposed on developers to ensure the rights of investors are protected making offerings in the off-plan space appear less risky in nature.

So, faced with a market nervous about global and regional geo-political and economic events, the imposition of a VAT, the distraction of alternative “new world” investments such as cryptocurrencies, along with burgeoning oversupply in the highly competitive and lower margin per unit affordable segment, developers, requiring greater sales volumes to achieve financial viability, needed to get financially creative to make their affordable offerings even more affordable and accessible for end users and financially more attractive for investors.

Inevitably, the amount of capital shifting from the traditional secondary market to the off-plan market created in a capital allocation imbalance, resulting in declining demand for finished properties. Interestingly, capital allocation was really the issue, as supply was quite healthy in 2017, with mortgages financing over 50% of transactions. It wasn’t that long ago that mortgages made up less than 30% of total transactions, extremely low by global standards.

So, as we enter 2018, we are faced with a familiar situation. The market is, once again, is moving further away from the equilibrium that we are all seeking.

The focus of developers to satisfy the requirements of an emerging affordable segment has been overdone, putting pressure on prices, yields and growth in across the industry.

To suggest a reversal or redirection of capital to the more expansive segments is likely in the short term is mere wishful thinking. The only way to address the issues facing todays market is to ensure that the long awaited and much speculated upon Expo inspired surge in demand transpires or to find other ways to expand the capital pool.

One initiative to do just that is in its final stages of planning. Looking to attract an even greater number of overseas investors, a series of roadshows will be held targeting key overseas markets such as India, China, Russia and the USA with the sole purpose of making investors in these countries to understand the benefits of investing in Dubai.

The schedule for the events is close to completion with events in Amman and Kuwait scheduled for late March to be followed by Cairo in April, Beijing in May, and Moscow in July before visiting London in September, Chicago and Dallas in October and wrapping up the tour in Mumbai does in December.

The importance of initiatives such as these cannot be overstated and The Dubai Land Department, realising the importance of increasing industry demand is pushing hard with this initiative.

Despite UAE investors leading the 2017 nationality rankings of investors in Dubai real estate, Indian investors continue hold second place and remain extremely important to the industry. Saudis came in third place followed by the British, who have dropped down the rankings in recent years due to uncertainty around Brexit and a decline in value of the British Pound. The Chinese are emerging rapidly as active investors in Dubai and still hold the greatest potential for foreign investment.

Foreign investors, almost 23,000 in number made approximately 30,000 transactions worth Dh56 billion in 2017. The local market’s reliance on foreign investment continues and, outside the Gulf region, there are huge opportunities to increase the awareness of what benefits the Dubai market continues to offer, not least of which, is the potential yields of 7-11 percent which are unheard of in much of the developed world.

So, the race continues … to win the hearts and minds of the global investment community.