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The Age- old cliché of Location

The Age- old cliché of Location
Proximity, convenience and prestige definitely enhance business
By Mohanad Alwadiya
Special to properties
History is littered with examples of businesses which ignored this simple yet well-worn catch-phrase. It’s all about proximity and the convenience and prestige that a carefully thought out location can bring to your existing and potential customers, staff and business associates.
While many organizations have addressed customer service from an internal perspective, many have not had the vision, inclination or, in some instances, the opportunity to ensure access to their premises in more convenient than that of their competition. Location, after all, is often viewed as one of the primary elements to gaining competitive advantage. It’s no use having a superior product, if your customers have to suffer inconvenience to view or experience it. The idea is to make it easy for customers to visit you.
The same can be said for the staff of an organization. Often overlooked when location considerations are made, staff morale can be greatly affected by the locale chosen to conduct business. Proximity to public transport and parking availability reach new levels of importance when the Dubai summer reaches its peak and staff will be appreciative if your locale considerations recognize their needs as well.
The opportunities which are available to small and medium sized tenants in Dubai today are unprecedented and, if not at least considered and taken advantage of, will one day be seen as an opportunity foregone. Dubai office space was once considered to be expensive, even when compared to the iconic cities around the world. Those days have long gone, and it is time to make the most of the current climate in the real estate market.
The writer is the Managing Director, Harbor Real Estate

Handy Hints:

The location of your business can be a source of pride for you.

Your premises should be more accessible than your competitors.

Staff will appreciate it if locale considerations meet their needs.

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